The act of trying to equal or excel; competition. 竞赛;竞争。 Rivalry names a struggle between those seeking the same thing, as in love, politics, influence, etc., and suggests unfriendliness and hostility. Rivalry 指爱情、政治、权势等的竞争,为不友善的或带敌意的竞争。 Competition names a contest between those seeking to gain the same object at the same time,; the result is usually tangible, and the feeling may be good-natured. Competition 指为同一目标而同时竞争,通常结果是实体的,可以是友善的竞争。 Emulation names a commendable striving to equal or outdo others, inspired by the example of another's greatness. Emulation 指因他人良好的典范,而激发见贤思齐或超越他人得努力。 |