in the hands of (someone)
1. Under the care, supervision, or direction of someone. It just goes to show that, in the hands of the right director, even the most ridiculous premise can make for a great movie. In the hands of our expert choreographer, you will be dancing like a professional in no time.
2. Possessed or controlled by someone. The country still maintains a rigid aristocracy, with most of the region's resources in the hands of a few wealthy elites.
in the hands of
In the possession of; in the custody or under the authority of. For example, In the hands of the decorator the hall was completely transformed. [Late 1200s] Also see in hand; in one's hands.
in the hands of somebody
, in somebody’s ˈhands
in the control of somebody or somebody’s responsibility: I’ll leave the matter in your hands.The future of the industry now lies in the hands of the government.