One who leads or directs another in his way or course. 引导人;响导;指导者。 Something (as a guidebook, signpost, or instruction manual) that provides a person with guiding information. 指南;指引;手册;路标;导读。 Means of controlling a tool or other device. 导杆;导体(控制一工具或其他装置的工具)。 To lead or direct; regulate; govern by counsel. 引导;指导;领导;辅导。 He guided us through the city. 他引导我们到市区观光。 guide rope (a)【空】(气球的)高度调节绳。(b)引导绳;导绳。 guide word (印于辞典等之页头上表明该页内容的书眉)。 adj. guidable. n. guider. |