To keep or comply with. 遵守。 to observe the rules 遵守规则。 to observe the social conventions 遵守社会的习俗。 She observed that we were already late. 她说我们已经迟到了。 To celebrated or solemnize. (举行典礼)庆祝或纪念。 How many holidays do we observe? 我们有几个节日? To come to realize or know; perceive. 明白;看出。 Did you observe anything suspicious? 你注意到什么有可疑的吗? To act as an observer. 观察。 He observes keenly but says little. 他观察敏锐却少发言。 the observed of all observers 众目的焦点的。(语出Shakespeare的Hamlet)。 |