The inner overhead covering of a room, usually made of laths and plaster. 天花板;房间顶棚(常以条板或灰泥搭建)。 Highest sale price permitted. 最高限制价格。 Maximum altitude to which an airplane can ascend. 【空】(飞机的)上升限度。 Upper limit of visibility at a given time or place. 最高能见度。 The height above the ground of the base of the lowest layer of clouds when over half of the sky is obscured. 云幕高度。 hit[go through] the ceiling [roof] (a)(非正式用法,尤指价钱方面)抬高价钱到可接受的范围。(b)勃然大怒。 glass ceiling 玻璃天花板(通常指在工作中升级时遇到的一种无形的障碍,使人不能到达较高阶层);可望而不可及的东西。 |