lose (one's) heart to (someone)
To fall in love or become smitten with someone. She lost her heart to the tall, handsome man the minute they met.
lose one's hear to
Fall in love with, as in I totally lost my heart to the new puppy. This expression uses heart in the sense of "the seat of love or affection." [First half of 1600s]
lose your heart
LITERARYIf you lose your heart to someone, you fall in love with them. Note: The heart is traditionally regarded as the centre of the emotions. She falls in love with Raul, who in turn has lost his heart to Silvia.
lose your ˈheart (to somebody/something)
(formal) fall in love (with somebody/something): I’ve quite lost my heart to those little kittens of yours. Can we take one home? lose (one's) heart to
To fall in love with.