put the make on (one)
To make sexual advances on or propositions to one; to try to have sex with one. John got a bit too drunk and started putting the make on me, so I had to leave the party. I think that woman is putting the make on your husband!
put the make on someone
and put the moves on someone; put the hard word on someoneSl. to attempt to seduce or proposition someone. I think he was beginning to put the make on me. I'm glad I left. James tried to put the hard word on Martha. Are you putting the moves on me?
put the make on
Make sexual advances to, as in He's always putting the make on his wife's friends. This slangy expression, dating from the second half of the 1900s, uses make in the sense of "sexual overtures."
put the make on
make sexual advances to. North American informal 1993 Anne River Siddons Hill Towns Put the make on you, did she, Joe? I should have warned you. Past a certain blood alcohol level Yolie gets snuggly.