Without or apart from another; solitary; single. 寂然独处的;单独的。 They were left alone there. 他们被单独留在那儿。 I am not alone in this opinion. 持此意见的不只我一人。 I don't like to go to the movies alone. 我看电影时不喜欢一个人去看。 Unique; incomparable. 独一无二的。 She was alone as an opera singer. 做为歌剧演唱者,她是独一无二的。 He stands alone in his flying skill. 他的飞行技巧是无与伦比的。 Solely; consider without reference to any other. 仅;祇;单独考虑地。 He alone is not responsible for that. 那件事中只有他一人毫无责任。 |