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词汇 go down
go down
in. to be accepted.
We'll just have to wait awhile to see how all this goes down.The proposal didn't go down very well with the manager.
in. to be arrested. (Underworld.)
Lefty didn't want to go down for a job he didn't do.Mr. Big said that somebody had to go down for it, and he didn't care who.
in. to happen.
Hey, man! What's going down?Something strange is going down around here.
Phr V
go down
goes, going, went, gone
go down
to become lower in level
House prices went down in July following an increase in the previous two months.
to become worse in quality
It used to be a really good restaurant but it's really gone down recently.
if something that is filled with air {e.g. tyre} goes down, some of the air comes out and it becomes smaller and softer
That back tyre's gone down again - it must have a puncture.
if part of your body that is bigger than usual because of an illness or injury goes down, it starts to return to its usual size
My throat's still very sore although my glands have gone down now.
if lights go down, they become less bright
The audience grew quiet as the lights went down.
when the sun goes down, it moves down in the sky until it cannot be seen any more
We sat on the balcony sipping drinks and watching the sun go down.
if a ship goes down, it sinks
1513 people drowned when the Titanic went down in 1912.
if an aircraft goes down, it falls out of the sky
The plane went down just three miles from the airport.
to travel south to a placeoften + to
We might go down to Brighton at the weekend and see Johnny.
(always + adv/prep) to be considered or remembered in a particular way
I think my speech went down rather well, don't you?
My joke about the fat couple went down like a lead balloon. (= no one liked it)
sometimes + as
This will go down as one of the most important soccer matches ever played.His contribution to world peace will go down in history. (= will be remembered in the future)
(always + adv/prep) if food or drink goes down, it is enjoyable or easy to eat
I'm so hot. A glass of cold beer would go down really well right now.
mainly British to lose in a sports competition
They're playing so badly, it's obvious they're going to go down.
often + to
England went down 4-2 to France in last night's match.
if a computer goes down, it stops working
The computers went down and we lost a whole day's work.
British & Australian informal to be sent to prison
You could go down for five years if they catch you.
American informal to happen
I tried to warn him about what was going down, but he wouldn't listen.
British formal to leave university, especially Oxford or Cambridge University
He went down in 1954 and joined the army.
to touch someone's sexual organs with the mouth and tongue in order to give them sexual pleasureoften + on
Quietly, he went down on her.
go down
to happen US, 1946.
to be arrested and/or imprisoned UK, 1906.
while working as a police officer in a patrol car, to park and sleep US, 1973
⇨ go down on; go down; go down south
verb to perform oral sex US, 1914
phrasego down1. go down sth to move along a street, passage etc in order to get somewhere: If you go down the street and turn right, you'll see the station in front of you. I went down the corridor and knocked on the staffroom door.2. go downgo down sth to go to a particular place near where you live, or the one that you usually go to:+ to Why don't we go down to the town this afternoon? The kids have gone down to the river.go down the shops/pub/village etc especially spoken I thought I'd go down the shops with Doreen. My Dad always used to go down the pub after dinner.3. go down to visit or travel to a place - use this especially when the place is further south or is in the country: At weekends, Wright used to go down and stay with his father in Mississippi.+ to Three days a week Kate went down to Camberwell to teach at the School of Arts and Crafts. OPPOSITE: go up4. go down to reach as far as a particular point or place+ to The road doesn't go down to the beach - we'll have to walk from here. It was a beautiful light room, with windows that went down to the ground. SIMILAR TO: reach5. go down if a price or the level of something goes down, it becomes lower: The price of fruit goes down in the summer, when there's plenty of it about. In parts of the country, the level of violent crime has been going down.+ to When I came out of hospital, my weight had gone down to eight stone. SIMILAR TO: drop, decrease OPPOSITE: go up6. go down BrE if the standard or quality of something goes down, it becomes worse: The standard of the food in the canteen has gone down a lot recently.things have gone down Things have really gone down at the school since the old head teacher left. SIMILAR TO: deteriorate formal, go downhill7. go down if a computer goes down, or the telephone lines go down, they stop working because of a fault: Make sure you save all your work on screen, just in case the computers go down. The lines had gone down in the storm, and we were cut off for days.8. go down well/badly etc if something that someone says or does goes down well, badly etc people react to it well or badly etc: The band's given several performances around the country and they went down really well. I could see at once that my comments had gone down badly.9. go down well/nicely etc spoken if food or drink goes down well, nicely etc you enjoy eating or drinking it: A long cold drink would go down very nicely, thank you.10. go down when the sun goes down at the end of the day, it gradually gets lower in the sky until it disappears: It was six o'clock, and the sun was going down for the day. SIMILAR TO: set OPPOSITE: come up, rise11. go down to fall to the ground, especially because of an accident or injury: The leading horse went down at the last jump. They were doing well until their best player went down with a badly sprained left ankle. SIMILAR TO: fall down12. go down on your knees/on all fours to get into a kneeling position, or in a position with your hands and knees on the floor: Did he go down on his knees and ask you to marry him? I quickly went down on all fours and started to crawl towards the door. SIMILAR TO: get down on your knees/on all fours13. go down if a ship or boat goes down, it sinks: Then our small boat began to go down and we found ourselves in the river. The Titanic went down in 1912 in mid-Atlantic. SIMILAR TO: sink14. go down if a plane goes down, it crashes to the ground: Gessler and his crew lost their lives when their aircraft went down between Lampedusa and Malta. SIMILAR TO: crash15. the lights go down if lights go down in a theatre, cinema etc, they are turned off or made less bright so that the show can begin: The lights went down as the orchestra started to play.16. go down especially BrE to lose a game against another team or player+ to/against At Wimbledon, Lleyton Hewitt went down 6-4, 7-5 to Greg Rusedski. United went down 2-0 against Bolton. SIMILAR TO: lose17. go down BrE to move down to a lower group of teams or players who play against each other: London Scottish have to win three of the remaining four matches if they want to be sure of not going down.+ to At the end of the season, five clubs went down to the second division. SIMILAR TO: be relegated OPPOSITE: go upBrE18. go down if a tyre, balloon etc goes down, the air goes out of it: It looks like the front tyre has gone down - I'll have to pump it up. SIMILAR TO: deflate formal OPPOSITE: inflateformal19. go down if a swelling goes down, it disappears. A swelling is an area on your skin which has become bigger because of an injury, illness, or infection: If you rest your leg, the swelling should go down soon. The dentist said it'll take a few hours before my face goes down again. OPPOSITE: swell up20. go down BrE informal to be sent to prison: It was a horrible crime and the boys involved deserved to go down.go down for life/10 years etc Scott's wanted for murder. If they catch him, he'll go down for life. SIMILAR TO: be sent to prison, be sent down BrE informal21. go down BrE old-fashioned to leave university after you have finished studying there or at the end of a term. A term is one of the periods into which the school year is divided.: The students have gone down for Easter.+ from Brian got a job in the City of London when he went down from Oxford. SIMILAR TO: come down BrE old-fashioned OPPOSITE: go upBrE old-fashioned22. go down AmE informal to happen: I'll never understand exactly what went down the night my husband left me. SIMILAR TO: happen23. what's going down? AmE informal used as a greeting when you meet someone: Hey buddy! What's going down? SIMILAR TO: how are you?24. go down informal to touch someone's sexual organs with your mouth and tongue in order to give them pleasure+ on an explicit shot of the artist going down on his girlfriend SIMILAR TO: perform oral sex

go down

1. To lower, sink, or fall. We need to get home before the sun goes down! Police are still investigating the site where the private plane went down last night. Stocks in the company have gone down for the third straight week in a row.
2. To occur, happen, or unfold, as of an event or action. We need to figure out what went down here before we can press any charges.
3. To be accepted, tolerated, or acknowledged. I don't think my business proposal went down too well with the board members. How do you think the news will go down with your parents?
4. vulgar slang To perform oral sex.

go down (in history) (as someone or something)

to be recorded for history as a significant person or event. You will go down in history as the most stubborn woman who ever lived. She will go down as a very famous woman.

go down something

to descend something; to fall down something. She went down the ladder very carefully. I did not want to go down those steep stairs.

go down

1. to sink below a normal or expected level or height. The plane went down in flames. Theship went down with all hands aboard.
2. . to descend to a lower measurement. Herfever wentdown. The price of the stock went down yesterday.
3. . to be swallowed. The medicine went down without any trouble at all. The pilll took simply would not go down.
4. . to fall or drop down, as when struck or injured. Sam went down when he was struck on the chin. The deer went down when it was hit with the arrow.
5. . Sl. to happen. Hey, man! What's going down? Something strange is going down around here.
6. . Sl. to be accepted. We'll just have to wait awhile to see how all this goes down. The proposal didn't go down very well with the manager.
7. . Sl. to be arrested. (Underworld.) Lefty didn't want to go down for a crime he didn't do. Mr. Big said that somebody had to go down for it, and he didn't care who.

go down

1. Descend to a lower level; drop below the horizon, fall to the ground, or sink. For example, Don't let the baby go down the stairs alone, or The sun went down behind the hill, or I was afraid the plane would go down, or The ship went down and all hands were lost. [c. 1300]
2. Experience defeat or ruin, as in They went down fighting, or The boxer went down in the first round. [Late 1500s]
3. Decrease, subside, as in After Christmas prices will go down, or As soon as the swelling goes down it won't hurt as much. [Second half of 1600s]
4. Be swallowed, as in This huge pill just won't go down, or Your wine goes down very smoothly. [Second half of 1500s]
5. Be accepted or believed, as in How did your speech at the convention go down? When it takes an object, it is put as go down with, as in It's hardly the truth but it still goes down with many voters. [c. 1600]
6. Also, go down in history. Be recorded or remembered, as in This event must go down in her book as one of the highlights of the year, or This debate will go down in history. [Late 1800s]
7. Occur, take place, as in Really crazy behavior was going down in the sixties. [Slang; mid-1900s] Also see come down, def. 4.
8. Be sent to prison, as in He went down for a five-year term. [Slang; c. 1900]
9. In the game of bridge, fail to fulfill one's contract (that is, take fewer than the required number of tricks), as in We had bid four hearts and the bad distribution made us go down. [Early 1900s] Also see the subsequent idioms beginning with go down.

go down

1. To proceed along some path: We went down the street.
2. To descend something: Let's go down the stairs rather than taking the elevator. Go down and see if they need any help in the kitchen. I went down to the cellar to fetch a bottle of wine.
3. go down to To reach or extend to some lower point: This path goes down to the bottom of the canyon. The thermometer goes down to -15 degrees.
4. To fall to the ground; plummet: The helicopter went down when the rotor malfunctioned. The boxer went down in the fourth round.
5. To sink: The ship went down in the storm, but the crew survived.
6. To travel south: I go down to the tropics every winter. I went down and visited my family in Mexico.
7. To go to a city or town center, or some central location: We went down to the park to meet our friends. My friend got arrested, so I went down and bailed him out.
8. To drop toward or below the horizon; set. Used especially of the sun and moon: The crickets began to chirp after the sun went down.
9. To experience defeat or ruin: The company went down after the stock market crashed.
10. To fail to operate; break down: The computers went down due to a software problem.
11. To permit swallowing: This cough syrup goes down readily.
12. To diminish in intensity or volume: The lights went down and the movie began. Put some ice on your injured elbow to help the swelling go down. When they returned to their car, they saw that the tires had gone down.
13. To decrease in value: Bond prices often go up as stocks go down. Last night, the temperature went down to 10 degrees.
14. To occur; happen. Used especially of interesting or important events: When the police officers saw the limousines arrive at the mobster's hideout, they knew something big was going down.
15. To be accepted or tolerated: My announcement that the show would be canceled did not go down well with the audience.
16. To come to be remembered in posterity: This remarkable debate will go down as a turning point in the campaign. The day we signed the treaty will go down in history.
17. Vulgar Slang go down on To perform oral sex on someone.

go down

1. in. to happen; [for a process or sequence] to unfold. Something strange is going down around here.
2. in. to be accepted. (see also swallow.) We’ll just have to wait a while to see how all this goes down.
3. in. to be arrested. (Underworld.) Mr. Gutman said that somebody had to go down for it, and he didn’t care who.




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