(it's) (all) Greek to me
a heartbeat away from being
all being well
all else being equal
all other things (else) being equal
all things being equal
be (a) one for (something)
be (a) party to (something)
be (a) witness to (something)
be (all) out to (do something)
be (all) set (to do something)
be (as) clean as a new pin
be (as) sick as a parrot
be (as) thick as a brick
be (as) thick as a short plank
be (as) thick as two short planks
be (as) thin as a rail
be (as) thin as a rake
be (as) thin as a stick
be (as) tough as nails
be (as) tough as shoe leather
be (batting) on a sticky wicket
be (dead) set on (something)
be (just) as well
be (just) good friends
be (not) supposed to (do something)
be (on) the right side of (an age)
be (oneself) again
be (only) to be expected
be (something) to the good
be (well) on the/(one's) way to/towards (something)
be (with)in sight
be a bit steep
be a box of birds
be a chip off the old block
be a crying shame
be a double-edged sword
be a double-edged weapon
be a firm believer in (something)
be a go
be a great believer in (something)
be a great one for (doing something)
be a man/woman of his/her word
be a mass of (something)
be a matter of (doing something)
be a moot point
be a moot question
be a mug's game
be a no-no
be a picture
be a poor second
be a poor third
be a question of time
be a revelation
be a rough trot
be a shining example (of someone or something)
be a shoo-in
be a slam dunk
be a slave of (something)
be a snap
be a sport
be a square peg (in a round hole)
be a steal
be a toss-up
be a wake-up
be a world away
be a/the poor man's (someone or something)
be able to count (someone or something) on one hand
be able to count (someone or something) on the fingers of one hand
be about
be about to (do something)
be above par
be above suspicion
be across (something)
be after (doing something)
be ahead
be all hat and no cattle
be all het up
be all like
be all over bar the shouting
be all over the shop
be all right
be all roses
be all things to all people
be an item
be anyone's
be art and part of (something)
be as (something) as all get-out
be at (someone or something)
be at an end
be at cross purposes
be at full strength
be at peace
be at work
be backed into a corner
be badly off
be badly off for (something)
be badly turned out
be barking up the wrong tree
be batting a thousand
be beating the bushes (for someone or something)
be behind
be below full strength
be below par
be better off
be better placed
be better than a kick in the pants
be beyond caring
be beyond hope
be beyond suspicion
be bitten by the bug
be blasted to smithereens
be bleeding red ink
be blowing in the wind
be blown off course
be blown out of the water
be blown to smithereens
be bored witless
be born that way
be bound to (be or do something)
be breathing fire
be brought down a notch (or two)
be brought down a peg (or two)
be brought to book
be bumping along the bottom
be carried away
be cast in a (some kind of) mold
be caught flat-footed
be caught in the act
be caught on the wrong foot
be caught short
be caught with chaff
be chilled to the marrow
be coining it
be common knowledge
be cruel to be kind
be crystal clear
be cut out for (something)
be dead set on (something)
be devoured by (something)
be different sides of the same coin
be doing a land-office business
be dollars to doughnuts that (something happens)
be done
be done and dusted
be done for
be doped to the gills
be down to the wire
be downhill all the way
be dragged through the mud
be far and away the (something)
be far/further/furthest removed from (something)
be fast on the draw
be first out of the box
be for a good cause
be for show
be for the chop
be forsworn
be frightened to death
be full of piss and vinegar
be given the gate
be given the hook
be given to (something)
be good going
be good news
be green about the gills
be green around the gills
be grounds for (something)
be happy to (do something)
be hard at it
be hard done-by
be hard put to (do something)
be headed for (something)
be het up
be honored
be hot to trot
be hung out to dry
be ideally placed
be in
be in (something) for the long haul
be in a bad mood
be in a cleft stick
be in a different league
be in a flap
be in a good cause
be in a minority of one
be in a snit
be in a sorry state
be in a state
be in a sticky situation
be in a sweat
be in a tight corner
be in a tight spot
be in a tizz(y)
be in a tough spot
be in a vicious circle
be in a/the minority
be in an interesting condition
be in an/(one's) ivory tower
be in arrears
be in at (something)
be in at the death
be in at the finish
be in at the kill
be in attendance
be in awe (of someone or something)
be in bad shape
be in bad taste
be in control
be in Dutch (with someone)
be in favor of (something)
be in floods (of tears)
be in full flood
be in good shape
be in good taste
be in good voice
be in harm's way
be in heat
be in high spirits
be in hock
be in holy orders
be in like Flynn
be in low spirits
be in no mood for (something)
be in on (something)
be in on the act
be in on the ground floor
be in perspective
be in plain English
be in plain language
be in poor voice
be in power
be in ruins
be in shape
be in short supply
be in step (with someone or something)
be in stock
be in store (for one)
be in sync (with someone or something)
be in tatters
be in the best of health
be in the best possible taste
be in the bullpen
be in the drink
be in the mainstream (of something)
be in the middle of (something or some place)
be in the mood for (something)
be in the picture
be in the poorhouse
be in the race
be in the right
be in the right spot at the right time
be in the short strokes
be in the thick of things
be in the worst possible taste
be in time (with someone or something)
be in touch with (something)
be in trim
be in trouble
be in tune
be in tune with the times
be in use
be in vogue
be in well (with)
be in with a shout
be infested with (something)
be into (something)
be involved with (something)
be jumping up and down
be just the thing
be kept on a short leash
be kept on a tight leash
be kicked upstairs
be knocked down a notch (or two)
be knocked down a peg (or two)
be knocked sideways
be laughed out of court
be left at the post
be light on (something)
be like a red flag to a bull
be like a red rag to a bull
be like jelly
be like ships in the night
be like ships that pass in the night
be lost in (something)
be lost in the shuffle
be lost to the world
be mad keen (on someone or something)
be made of money
be made that way
be made up
be made up about (something)
be made up with (something)
be meant to be
be mentioned in dispatches
be miles apart
be minting it
be mixed up in (something)
be more than (something)
be more/bigger/greater than the sum of its parts
be murder on (someone or something)
be mutton dressed as lamb
be named after (someone or something)
be named for (someone or something)
be nestled (up) into (something or some place)
be no bad thing
be no good
be no mean (something)
be no respecter of persons
be no stranger to (something)
be no use
be not all there
be not on
be not playing the game
be not playing with a full deck
be not so much (something) as (something else)
be not to know
be not up to much
be not worth a dime
be not worth a fig
be not worth a hill of beans
be not worth the paper it's printed on
be of one mind
be of service
be of service (to someone or something)
be of the opinion that
be of the same mind
be of use
be off for (something)
be off sick
be off the danger list
be on (one's) case
be on (one's) high horse
be on a loser
be on a short fuse
be on a short leash
be on a tight leash
be on at
be on automatic pilot
be on bad terms (with someone)
be on firm ground
be on nodding terms (with someone)
be on show
be on some other shit
be on stream
be on the (something) side
be on the anvil
be on the carpet
be on the danger list
be on the door
be on the fence
be on the hush
be on the hush-hush
be on the in
be on the lookout
be on the offensive
be on the phone
be on the pill
be on the point of (doing something)
be on the prowl
be on the receiving end
be on the same page
be on the scene
be on the scent (of someone or something)
be on the scrounge (for something)
be on the sick list
be on the stage
be on the take
be on the up and up
be on the wane
be on the watch (for someone or something)
be on the way in
be on the way out
be on to (someone or something)
be on top of (something)
be one jump ahead
be one of the boys
be one of the girls
be one of the lads
be one over (the) eight
be opposite sides of the same coin
be out
be out for (something)
be out of (something)
be out of control
be out of favor (with one)
be out of here
be out of humour
be out of shape
be out of sorts
be out of stock
be out of sync (with someone or something)
be out of tune
be out of use
be out on the tiles
be over (someone or something)
be over and done with
be over the hills and far away
be packed (in) like sardines
be part and parcel of (something)
be past
be past caring
be picked out of a hat
be pipped at the post
be pipped to the post
be pissed off
be pissing in(to) the wind
be plain sailing
be played like a fiddle
be plugged in
be plugged into (something)
be PO'd
be pot luck
be pressed for money
be pressed for space
be pressed for time
be public knowledge
be public property
be puffed up with pride
be pulled down a notch (or two)
be pulled down a peg (or two)
be pushed for money
be pushed for space
be pushed for time
be pushed from pillar to post
be put behind bars
be put in (one's) place
be put out of business
be put out of humour
be put out of sorts
be put out to grass
be put through the hoop
be put through the mangle
be put through the wringer
be put to death
be put to it
be put to rights
be put to the sword
be put upon
be quick on the uptake
be quits (with someone)
be rained in
be rained off
be rained out
be rather steep
be red in the face
be remembered as (something)
be remembered for (something)
be replaced by (someone or something)
be replaced with (someone or something)
be riddled with (something)
be riled up
be ripe for the picking
be ripped to shreds
be riveted to the ground
be riveted to the spot
be rolling in money
be rolling in wealth
be rooted in (something)
be rough on (someone or something)
be ruled out of court
be run off (one's) feet
be rushed off (one's) feet
be sacrificed on the altar of (something)
be scared witless
be second nature
be seeing things
be sent to Coventry
be set aback
be set against (something)
be set fair
be set to rights
be shacked up with (someone)
be short and sweet
be short of (something)
be short with (one)
be shot down in flames
be shoulder to shoulder
be sick and tired of (something)
be sick at heart
be sick to death of (someone or something)
be slated for
be sloshed to the gills
be smashed to smithereens
be snappy
be snatched out of the jaws of death
be snowed out
be so
be so bold
be so much/many (something)
be soft in the head
be sold a bill of goods
be sold on (something)
be sorry for (oneself)
be spitting in(to) the wind
be spoiled for choice
fair one
fair out
fair play!
fair play
fair play to someone
fair play to you!
fair play to you
fair play (to you)
fair sex
fair sex, the
fair's fair
fairs fair
Fair's fair.
fair shake
fair shake, a
Fair Share
fair share of
fair suck of the pineapple!
fair suck of the sauce bottle!
fair suck of the sauce stick
fair to middlin'
fair to middlin
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更新时间:2025/3/13 13:59:01