词汇 | regular |
释义 | regular /`rєgjәlɚ/ adj. Conforming in form, build, or arrangement to a rule, principle, type, etc.; orderly; symmetrical. 规则的;整齐的;匀称的。 Characterized by conformity to a fixed principle or procedure. 固定的;常例的。 Usual; customary. 通常的;平常的。 my regular seat 我平常的座位。 Established; not a substitute. 常备的;非暂代的。 Habitual; consistent. 习惯性的;经常不变的。 a regular customer 常客;老主顾。 Recurring at set times or functioning in a normal way. 规律的;正常的。 a regular pulse 正常的脉搏跳动。 Conforming to a generally accepted rule or mode of conduct; proper. (行为)循规蹈矩的;合宜的。 Belonging to a religious order. 属于宗教组织的。 regular clergy 正职牧师;教团僧。 Thorough; genuine. 【口】彻底的;真正的。 She is a regular book worm. 她是真正的书呆子。 Following the usual form of declension, comparison, or conjugation. 【文法】规则变化的;一般的。 Duly qualified for an occupation. 合格的。 a regular doctor 登记合格医师。 (Polygon) having all sides and angles equal. 【数】(多角形)等边等角的。 Having all faces exactly the same, as a polyhedron. 【数】(多面体)各面形状大小完全相同的。 Ordinary; normal. 普通的;一般的。 Likeable; pleasant; friendly. 【口】可爱的;友善的。 phrases (as) regular as clockwork 极规律地(的)。 keep regular hours 过着有规律的生活。 n. A soldier belonging to a standing army. 【军】常备兵。 A member of the clergy who belongs to a religious order. 修道士。 Habitual client. 【口】老主顾;常客。 He is a regular at this restaurant. 他是这家餐厅的老主顾。 Average-sized garment. 普通[一般]规格的服装。 Anyone or anything that is regular. 普通的人或物。 A person who is loyal to the recognized party leadership. 【美】忠于领导的党员。 idoms regualr army 正规军。 regular verb 【文法】规则动词。 derivatives adv. regularly. n. regularness. n. regularity. synonyms adj, normal, typical, customary, ordinary. antonyms adj, irregular, abnormal. |
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