To write or put (one's name) to a paper or document. 署名;签名。 He subscribed a false name. 他签了一个假名。 To give or promise (a sum of money) for some object, by writing one's name. (署名)认捐;认购。 He subscribed 100 dollars to the hospital fund. 他捐住医院基金100元。 To bear witness to by signing. 署名为证。 Thousands of citizens subscribed the petition. 成千的公民签署该请愿书。 To sign one's name to a letter or other document. (于信件上或文件上)签名。 To give consent by signing something; hence, to agree. 签名以示允诺。 He could not subscribe to their unfair plan. 他不能赞同他们不公平的办法。 To sign a paper in token of promise to give a certain sum, or to take and pay for something, as a book. 认捐;认购;订阅;预约(如书)。 We subscribe to several magazines. 我们订阅数种杂志。 |