Forth made by moistened soap. 肥皂泡沫。 Foam made by sweat, as of a horse. 汗沫(如马的)。 A condition of impatient or troubled excitement; agitation. 【口】焦急;忧虑。 To cover with froth or foam. 涂以皂沫;涂泡沫。 Bill lathered his face before shaving. 比尔刮脸前先在脸上涂肥皂泡沫。 To beat severely; flog. 严厉的打;鞭打。 To form foam or suds. 起泡沫;使起皂沫。 This soap does not lather well in cold water. 这肥皂在冷水中不易起泡。 n. latherer. adj. lathery. |