释义 |
idiot juice and idiotic Theme: ALCOHOL n. a mixture of ground nutmeg and water. (Prisons.)Somehow a bunch of these guys got hold of some idiot juice.He drank about a gallon of idiotic to get the kick of one beer.
idiot juice noun any alcoholic beverage brewed in prison, especially a nutmeg/water mixture US, 1974
idiot juiceslang A type of alcoholic drink made in prisons, usually with nutmeg and water. This idiot juice is pretty disgusting, but it's all we've got. idiot juice and idiotic (ˈɪdiət dʒus and ɪdiˈɑdɪk) n. a mixture of ground nutmeg and water. (Prisons.) Somehow a bunch of these guys got hold of some idiot juice. |