释义 |
(redirected from liked)
like1. interj. an emphatic or meaningless word that, when said frequently, marks the speaker as speaking in a very casual or slangy mode. (see also like, you know. Used in writing only for effect.) This is, like, so silly! 2. interj. a particle meaning roughly saying. (Always with some form of be. Never used in formal writing.) And I’m like, “Well, you should have put your hat on!” See:- (as) (a)like as (two) peas in a pod
- (do something) like it's going out of style
- (just) like this/that
- (one) puts (one's) pants on one leg at a time
- (one's) (hand)writing is like chicken scratch
- (one's) face is like thunder
- (there's) no fool like an old fool
- a face like a bag of spanners
- a face like thunder
- a hand like a foot
- a mind like a sieve
- all over (someone) like a cheap suit
- all over someone like a cheap suit
- an open book, he/she is (like an)
- and stuff like that
- and stuff like that (there)
- and stuff like that there
- and the like
- and things (like that)
- anything like
- anything like that
- anything/nothing/something like that
- apples and oranges, like comparing
- as alike/like as peas in a pod
- as I was saying
- as like as not
- avoid (someone or something) like the plague
- avoid like the plague
- avoid like the plague, to
- avoid somebody/something like the plague
- avoid someone/something like the plague
- back of one's hand
- bad penny, always turns up (comes back) like a
- be (like) a bird in a gilded cage
- be (like) water off a duck's back
- be all like
- be as/like oil and water
- be built like a tank
- be done like a (dog's) dinner
- be down on (one) like a ton of bricks
- be dropping like flies
- be grinning like a Cheshire cat
- be in like Flynn
- be like a bear with a sore head
- be like a bull in a china shop
- be like a cat on a hot tin roof
- be like a cat on hot bricks
- be like a child in a sweetshop
- be like a deer caught in the headlights
- be like a dog with a bone
- be like a dog with two tails
- be like a fish out of water
- be like a kid in a candy store
- be like a red flag to a bull
- be like a red rag to a bull
- be like a spare prick at a wedding
- be like Fort Knox
- be like herding cats
- be like jelly
- be like looking for a needle in a haystack
- be like oil and water
- be like painting the Forth Bridge
- be like putty in someone's hands
- be like rearranging (the) deckchairs on the Titanic
- be like ships in the night
- be like ships that pass in the night
- be like taking candy from a baby
- be like talking to a brick wall
- be like trying to find a needle in a haystack
- be like two peas in a pod
- be like watching grass grow
- be like watching paint dry
- be like/as safe as Fort Knox
- be of like mind
- be off like a prom dress (in May)
- be out like a light
- be packed (in) like sardines
- be played like a fiddle
- be putty in (one's) hands
- be running around like a headless chicken
- be shaking like a leaf
- be squashed (in) like sardines
- be stuffed like a turkey
- be/come down on somebody like a ton of bricks
- be/feel like jelly
- be/go out like a light
- beef to (the) heel like a Mullingar heifer
- bellow like a (wounded) bull, to
- birds of a feather (flock together)
- bleed like a (stuck) pig
- bleed like a pig
- breath of fresh air, (like) a
- breed like rabbits
- built like a brick outhouse
- built like a tank
- bull in a china shop
- bull in a china shop (like a)
- Can I have a word with you?
- can of worms, it's a/like opening a
- candidate for a pair of wings
- carry coals to Newcastle
- case of
- cat on a hot tin roof, like a
- cat that swallowed the canary, (look) like the
- come across like
- come across like (someone or something)
- come down like a ton of bricks
- come down on (one) like a ton of bricks
- come down on someone like a ton of bricks
- come on like gangbusters
- come on strong
- come out smelling like a rose
- come up roses
- come up smelling like a rose
- come up smelling like roses, to
- crazy like a fox
- cry like a baby
- cry like a banshee
- curses, like chickens, come home to roost
- cut of his/her jib, I don't like the
- cut through (something) like a (hot) knife through butter
- die like a dog
- die like a dog, to
- die like flies
- die like Roland
- die/drop/fall like flies
- do something as if/like there's no tomorrow
- do something like it's going out of style
- done like (a) dinner
- done like a dinner
- done like a dog's dinner
- done like dinner
- done up like a dog's dinner
- Don't even look like
- don't even look like (something)
- drawn like a moth to a flame
- drawn to (something) like a moth to a flame
- dressed (up) like a dog's dinner
- dressed like a dog's dinner
- dressed up like a dog's dinner
- drink like a fish
- drink like a fish, to
- drop (someone or something) like a hot brick
- drop (someone or something) like a hot potato
- drop like a hot potato
- drop like a hot potato, to
- drop like flies
- drop like flies, to
- drop like ninepins
- drop someone or something like a hot potato
- drop someone/something like a hot potato
- drop something like a hot potato
- drowned rat, like a/wet as a
- duck soup, like
- Dutch uncle
- Dutch uncle, talk (to one) like a
- eat like a bird
- eat like a bird/horse, to
- eat like a horse
- eat like a pig
- eyes like saucers
- eyes like two burnt holes in a blanket
- fall like dominoes
- fall like ninepins
- feel (like) (one)self
- feel a million dollars
- feel like
- feel like a million
- feel like a million bucks
- feel like a million dollars
- feel like a new man/woman
- feel like a new person
- feel like death
- feel like death warmed over
- feel like death warmed up
- feel like doing
- feel like jelly
- feel like new
- feel like oneself
- feel like something/like doing something
- feel like two cents
- fight like a lion
- fight like cat and dog
- fight like hell
- fight like Kilkenny cats
- fish out of water, a
- fit (someone) like a glove
- fit like a glove
- fit like a glove, to
- flat out like a lizard drinking
- flourish like a green bay tree
- fold like a cheap suitcase
- for all the world
- for two cents
- fox guarding the henhouse
- get along
- get on like a house afire
- get on like a house on fire
- get played like a fiddle
- go (right) through (one) like a dose of salts
- go at like a boy killing snakes
- go down like a lead balloon
- go down like ninepins
- go down, drop, etc. like ninepins
- go like a bomb
- go like a dream
- go like a rocket
- go like clockwork
- go like hot cakes
- go like lightning
- go like the wind
- go out like a light
- go over
- go over like a lead balloon
- go through
- go through one
- go through someone like a dose of salts
- go through someone like a dose of the salts
- go, run, etc. like the wind
- go/run like clockwork
- Greeks bearing gifts, beware of/like
- grin like a Cheshire cat
- grow like Topsy
- grow to (do something)
- hang on like grim death
- hang on to (someone or something) like grim death
- hang on/hold on like grim death
- hate (someone or something) like sin
- hate like sin
- have (hand)writing like chicken scratch
- have a face like a wet weekend
- have a face like thunder
- have a hand like a foot
- have a hide like a rhinoceros
- have a hide/skin like a rhinoceros
- have a memory like a sieve
- have a memory like an elephant
- have a mind like a sieve
- have a mind like a steel trap
- have a mind/memory like a sieve
- have a skin like a rhinoceros
- have eyes like a hawk
- have eyes like saucers
- Hell has no fury like a (certain type of person) scorned
- hell has no fury like a woman scorned
- hell hath no fury like a (certain type of person) scorned
- Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
- his, her, etc. face is like thunder
- hit (one) like a ton of bricks
- hold on to (someone or something) like grim death
- hot potato
- How bout them apples?
- How do you like school?
- how do you like that
- How do you like that?
- how do you like them apples
- how do you like them apples?
- How do you like this weather?
- How would you like it?
- howl like a banshee
- hung like a bull
- hung like a horse
- I don't want to sound like a busybody, but
- I felt like a penny waiting for change
- I like (someone's) cheek
- I like (someone's) nerve
- I like your nerve, cheek, etc.
- I would like you to meet
- I'd like a word with you
- I'd like a word with you. and Could I have a word with you?
- I'd like to have a word with you
- I'd like to speak to
- I'd like to speak to (someone)
- I'd like to speak to (someone), please
- I'd like you to meet
- I'd like you to meet (someone)
- if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail
- if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck
- if you don't like it, lump it
- if you like
- I'm like you
- in clover
- in like Flynn
- in/like a flash
- It smells like someone/somebody died in (some place)!
- just like that
- kick like a mule
- know (someone or something) like a book
- know (something) like the back of (one's) hand
- know like a book
- know like a book, to
- know like the palm of hand
- know something like the back of your hand
- know what (one) likes
- know what you like
- laugh like a drain
- lead balloon, go over like a
- lie like a rug
- lie like a tombstone
- lie like a trooper
- life is like a box of chocolates
- like
- like (one's) life depends on it
- like (the) white on rice
- like (two) peas in a pod
- like a (hot) knife through butter
- like a bad dream
- like a bat out of hell
- like a beached whale
- like a bear with a sore head
- like a blind dog in a meat market
- like a blue-arsed fly
- like a bolt from the blue
- like a bolt out of the blue
- like a book
- like a broken record
- like a bull at a gate
- like a bull in a china shop
- like a bump on a log
- like a can of corn
- like a cat in a strange garret
- like a cat on a hot tin roof
- like a cat on hot bricks
- like a champ
- like a chicken with its head cut off
- like a chicken with its head cut off, (run about)
- like a chicken with the pip
- like a child in a sweet shop
- like a child in a sweetshop
- like a clown's pocket
- like a cow peeing on a flat rock
- like a deer in (the) headlights
- like a demon
- like a dog with two tails
- like a dog's breakfast
- like a dog's dinner
- like a dose of salts
- like a dream
- like a drowned rat
- like a drunken sailor
- like a duck to water
- like a dying duck in a thunderstorm
- like a fish out of water
- like a flash
- like a greased pig
- like a headless chicken
- like a hen with one chick
- like a hot knife through butter
- like a house
- like a house afire
- like a house afire/on fire
- like a house on fire
- like a kid in a candy store
- like a kid in a candy store/shop
- like a kid with a new toy
- like a knife through butter
- like a lamb
- like a lamb being led to (the) slaughter
- like a lamb to (the) slaughter
- like a lamb to the slaughter
- like a leech
- like a lost soul
- like a man/woman possessed
- like a million
- like a million bucks
- like a million dollars
- like a monkey on a stick
- like a moth to a flame
- like a moth to the flame
- like a person possessed
- like a pig being led to (the) slaughter
- like a pig in clover
- like a pig to (the) slaughter
- like a rabbit (caught) in (the) headlights
- like a rabbit caught in the headlights
- like a rag doll
- like a rat up a drainpipe
- like a ripe plum
- like a scalded cat
- like a shag on a rock
- like a shot
- like a spare prick at a wedding
- like a streak
- like a thief in the night
- like a three-ring circus
- like a ton of bricks
- like a ton of bricks, (come down)
- like a well-oiled machine
- like a whipped dog
- like an owl in an ivy bush
- like anything
- like as not
- like as two peas in a pod
- like attracts like
- like back
- like billyo
- like billy-o
- like billy-o(h)
- like blazes
- like blue blazes
- Like breeds like
- like chalk and cheese
- like cheese at four pence
- like clockwork
- like crazy
- like crazy/mad
- like death warmed over
- like death warmed over/up, to feel/look
- like death warmed up
- like enough
- like falling off (of) a log
- like father like son
- like father, like son
- like father/mother, like son/daughter
- like fighting snakes
- like flies to manure
- like for like
- like fun
- like fury
- like gangbusters
- like gangbusters, come on/going
- like getting blood from a stone
- like getting blood from a turnip
- like getting blood out of a stone
- like getting blood out of a turnip
- like getting blood out of/from a stone
- like gold dust
- like Grant took Richmond
- like greased lightning
- like grim death
- like hell
- like hell and high lightning
- Like hell!
- like herding cats
- like herding frogs
- like hot cakes, go
- like I care
- like I said
- like it is going out of fashion or style
- like it or lump it
- Like it or lump it!
- like it or not
- like it was going out of style
- Like it’s such a big deal
- like it's going out of fashion
- like it's such a big deal
- Like it's such a big deal!
- like lambs to the slaughter
- like lightning
- like looking for a needle in a haystack
- like looking for/trying to find a needle in a haystack
- like mad
- like money in the bank
- Like mother, like daughter
- like mushrooms
- like nailing Jell-O to a cross
- like nailing Jell-O to a tree
- like nailing Jell-O to the wall
- like nailing jelly to the wall
- like night and day
- like nobody’s business
- like nobody's business
- like nothing on earth
- like one of the family
- like peas in a pod
- like piffy on a rock bun
- like piffy on a rock cake
- like pigs in clover
- like pigs to the slaughter
- like pulling teeth
- like rats abandoning a sinking ship
- like rats deserting a sinking ship
- like rats from a sinking ship
- like rats leaving a sinking ship
- like rolling off (of) a log
- like sheep
- like shelling peas
- like shooting fish in a barrel
- like sin
- like sixty
- like someone possessed
- like something the cat brought in
- like something the cat brought/dragged in
- like something the cat dragged in
- like stealing acorns from a blind pig
- like stink
- like stink on a monkey/skunk/pig/etc.
- like taking candy from a baby
- like taking coals to Newcastle
- like talking to a wall
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