Pertaining to the voice or speech; having voice; full of voices. 声音的;说话的;有声的;充满声音的。 Uttered or produced by the voice. 发声的(如音乐)。 Voiced. 有声的(指由声带发出之音,如母音及m,d等)。 Pertaining to a vowel. 母音的。 A vowel sound or diphthong. 母音;双母音。 A vowel-like consonant or liquid, like n or l. 似母音的子音(如 n 或 l )。 The part of a song that is sung. (歌曲的)唱部。 vocal organs 发声器官(如口、鼻、喉、声门等)。 adv. vocally. n. vocality. |