Something placed in the mouth to hinder speech, or to keep the mouth open. 塞口物;张口器。 A practical joke. 【俚】逗乐;恶作剧。 Words added by an actor in play. 【俚】戏中演员额外加的话;插科打诨。 Any suppression of free speech. 言论箝制。 The robbers tied him up and gagged him with a towel. 强盗将他绑紧并且拿毛巾塞住他的嘴巴。 To silence by force or law. 限制言论自由;禁止言论。 The newspapers have been gagged, so nobody knows what really happened. 报纸的言论被箝制,没有知道到底发生了什么事。 To strain, as in the effort to vomit. 作呕。 The smell of sulfur makes me gag. 硫磺的味道使我作呕。 Gag law 【美】限制言论自由之法令;绒令(禁止在议会上自由讨论的规则、惯例)。(= Gag rule) Gag rule 【美】限制言论自由之法令;绒令(禁止在议会上自由讨论的规则、惯例)。(= Gag law) |