In a horse's harness, the headgear, with the bit and reins. 马勒。 A check; restraint. 抑制;拘束。 To put a bit and reins on. 加勒于(马)。 When the horse has been bridled we can started the journey. 待上好马勒后,我们就可以开始旅行。 Bridle your tongue and be more careful about what you say. 嘴巴注意点,小心说话。 To hold the head up, or toss it, as a sign of pride, scorn or anger. 昂首(表示傲慢、轻蔑或愤怒)。 I asked her to do it, but she bridled (with anger)(at the suggestion). 我请她做那件事时,她(对这提议)(愤怒地)昂起头来。 bridle path 马道(专备乘马或驮马行走之路,不能行车者)。 |