词汇 | deal |
释义 | deal 1. adverb much. Derived from the noun sense (a considerable amount) UK, 1756 2. noun 1 a business transaction, a trade or a bargain US, 1838. 2 an underhand or secret transaction; a trade of questionable legality; a mutually beneficial commercial or political arrangement. A nuance of the broader sense, (a trade, a bargain) US, 1881. 3 a small amount of marijuana or hashish UK, 1978.► bad deal; raw deal; rough dealill-treatment, exploitative or unfair usage; a swindle US, 1912.► fair deal; square dealan honest and equitable usage. The locus classicus of 'square deal' is in a speech delivered by US President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903: 'We must treat each man on his worth and merits as a man. We must see that each is given a square deal, because he is entitled to no more and should receive no less' US, 1876.► new deala new arrangement US, 1834.► the deal; the real dealthe very best US, 1986 3. verb 1 to sell drugs US, 1958. 2 to supervise the blackjack game in a casino US, 1980.► deal off the topto treat fairly. From the gambling scheme of cheating by dealing off the bottom of a deck US, 1969 deal in 1. deal in sth to buy and sell a particular type of thing as a business: The company dealt in stocks and shares. My father used to deal in stamps, medals and coins. Penalties for dealing in illegal drugs are strict.2. deal in sth to be interested in something or want to achieve something: Kirov dealt in getting results and it didn't matter how he got them. Laurence was not a man who dealt in rumours.3. deal sb in to give someone cards so that they can play in a game of cards: Shall I deal you in, Mick?4. deal me in AmE spoken informal used to say that you want to be included in an activity or an agreement: If you can find a way of making money from it, deal me in!■ SIMILAR TO: count me in! spoken deal out 1. deal out sth • deal sth out to give something to a lot of different people: She dealt out the sweets to all the children. The money that was collected was dealt out to the poor.■ SIMILAR TO: give out, hand out, share out2. deal out sth • deal sth out to give playing cards to each of the players in a game: The girl opposite Karl began dealing out the cards.3. deal out sth • deal sth out formal to give a punishment to someone: The punishments dealt out to the rioters were extremely harsh.■ SIMILAR TO: mete out formal, administer formal deal with 1. deal with sth to take action in order to solve a problem or make sure that something is done properly: Staff are trained to deal with customer problems in a sympathetic way. Who is dealing with the accommodation arrangements for the conference. Troops were sent in, but they were poorly equipped for dealing with the riots. We're still trying to deal with all the replies we had to our advertisement.■ SIMILAR TO: handle, tackle2. deal with sth formal if a book, speech, or film deals with a particular subject, it is about that subject, or that subject is discussed in it: Carr's previous books have dealt with the events leading up to the war. These ideas are dealt with more fully in Chapter Four. His speech dealt mainly with the problems of health and education.■ SIMILAR TO: cover3. deal with sb/sth to do business with someone or to discuss important matters with them: We've dealt with that particular company for many years. The Israeli Prime Minister, Mr Yitzhak Shamir, refused to deal with the PLO.4. deal with sb to meet or talk to someone as part of your work: As a lawyer, I deal with hundreds of people every year. If you want to work in sales and marketing, you need to be good at dealing with people.5. deal with sth to succeed in facing a difficult situation in a way that does not have a very bad effect on you emotionally: Simon's still struggling to deal with his divorce. Giving evidence in court was really hard for her, but she's dealt with it so far.6. deal with sb to punish someone because they have done something wrong: Suspected terrorists are severely dealt with by the courts.■ SIMILAR TO: punish
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