Something that puzzles; a difficult question or problem. 疑难;难题。 A toy or contrivance designed for testing ingenuity. 测智力的玩具[游戏]。 The state of perplexity. 困惑;迷惑。 To think in perplexity. 苦思;思索。 I puzzled over her words and sought to attach to them some intelligible meaning. 我左思右想研究她的话,企图找出合理的意义。 The question has always puzzled me. 我常为此疑问所困惑。 To solve by reasoning. 解答。 I puzzled it out and made a translation of it. 我解除其意义,并把它翻译出来。 puzzle one's head [brains] 伤脑筋;尽力想。 n. puzzlement. n. puzzler. bewilder, confuse, perplex. |