词汇 | put |
释义 | put /pʊt/ (过去式: put; 过去完成式: put; 现在进行式: putting) v.t. To cause to be in any situation or position; place; lay. 放;置。 He put the book on the table. 他把书放在桌上。 To push or drive onward; thrust; send. 推;推进;掷出;送出。 To throw or hurl with an upward and outward motion of the arm. 掷;投。 to put the shot 掷铅球。 To force or urge. 逼迫;催逼。 To cause to endure or suffer; subject. 使忍受;使承受。 Put him to death. 将他处死。 To establish or cause to occur. 使发生。 He put an end to himself. 他结束了自己的生命。 To employ actively; apply. 积极运用。 to put one's mind to a task 专心做事。 To assign; ascribe. 指定;归于。 to put a new meaning on the event 给此事件一个新的意义。 To express; state. 表明;说出。 to put a thought into words 用言辞表达想法。 To adapt. 配合。 to put words to music 配词。 v.i. To go or move; hasten. 行动;急行。 to put for school 匆促赴校。 To take one's course. (向...)航行。 The ship put into port. 这船驶进港口。 phrases put about (a)改变(航海)方向。(b)使流传。(c)【口】困扰。 put across (a)乘船度过。(b)【口】使相信;使了解;【俚】欺骗。(c)【俚】成功;完成。 put a damper on 扫兴;使沉闷。 put ahead 向前拨(钟表的针)。 put all one's eggs in one basket 孤注一掷。 put aside (a)放在一旁。(b)搁置;推开。 put a stop [end] to 终止。 put away (a)放下。(b)监禁。(c)弄死。(d)吃掉;喝掉。 put by 储备;储存。 put down (a)废除;除掉。(b)镇压。(c)写下。(d)归类。(e)【俚】贬低;降低。 put down to 归咎于。 put first 摆在第一位;视为最重要。 put forth (a)发出;长出。(b)运用。(c)启程。 put forward (a)提出;建议。(b)促进。 put heads together 商量。 put in (a)种植。(b)任命。(c)正式提出。(d)插入;插进。(e)【花】花费。(f)【航】驶入;停泊。(g)申请。 put in an appearance 参加;在(正式集会中)露脸。 put in black and white 以书面写下。 put in mind of 回想;提醒。 put in motion 引发;开始。 put in one's oar 多管闲事。 put in order 整理好。 put (in) sb's way 放在(某人)眼前。 put in shape 使处于良好状况中。 put in the shade 使逊色;夺去光彩。 put into practice 利用;使生效;实施。 put into words 明白表达。 put in [into] use 启用;使用。 put in writing 用书面表示。 put it on (a)【口】敲竹杠;乱开价。(b)装腔作势;吹牛。 put [stick] it there 【口】来,握手!(表钦佩赞赏之语)。 put off (a)延后。(b)排斥。(c)使受挫。(d)使船出海。 put on (a)穿上(衣服)。(b)假装。(c)添加。 put on airs 装腔作势;自大。 put on an act 装给人看;玩个把戏给瞧瞧。 put on a pedestal 尊敬某人。 put on one side 暂时摆在一边。 put on record 记录下来。 put on the dog [ratz] (= give oneself airs) 摆架子。 put on weight 增加重量。 put one in mind of 使人想起。 put one on his feet 使人振作。 put one out of the way 谋害;除去。 put one up to 训练;测试能力。 put one wise 告知;使人赶上潮流。 put one's best foot forward 尽量快;抢先着手。 put one's feet up 搁置着两脚(休息)。 put one's finger on 明白指出。 put one's foot down 立定脚跟;下定决心。 put one's foot in it (管闲事而)陷于困境;犯错误。 put one's hand(s) on 找到...的下落。 put [turn] one's hand to 着手;开始做。 put one's shirt on 倾其所有作为赌注。 put one's shoulder to the wheel 积极努力。 put oneself out 在不利于己的情形下特别努力。 put our heads together 聚议;聚集一起商议。 put out (a)逐出。(b)熄灭。(c)干扰;使不便。(d)惹恼;激怒。 put out feelers 试探;探测。 put out of action 使无效;无用。 put out of countenance 使(人)困惑;使尴尬。 put out of court 排除。 put out of one's head 忘记;置诸脑后。 put over 成功地执行。 put paid to 使不可能继续。 put sb at his ease 使放心。 put sb off his stroke 使某人分心;使某人停止。 put sb's nose out of joint 使(某人)灰心;取代(某人);挫(某人的)锐气。 put sb's pecker up 使振作起来。 put sth over on 欺骗;作弄;利用。 put the blame on 归咎于。 put the cart before the horse 本末倒置。 put the clock back 开(时代的)倒车;采取反动策略。 put the finger on 向(警察等)密告某人。 put the lid on 使结束;成为...的极致。 put the screws on 施以压力;压榨;逼迫。 put through (a)达成。(b)使生效;做到。 put through his paces 是(某人的)能力。 put through it 【英】使(某人)受尽折磨。 put through the mill [hoop] 使饱尝辛苦;使历经磨练。 put to bed 使上床。 put to death 杀死。 put together 汇集;组合;装配。 put to (good) account 善用。 put to rights 适当地安排;整顿。 put to shame 羞辱;使难堪。 put to sleep 使入睡。 put to the sword 砍杀。 put the use 利用;运用。 put tow and tow together (and make four) 综合各项事实加以推论。 put up (a)举起;升高。(b)建造。(c)提高(价格)。(d)收拾;收回。(e)储藏(食物)于器皿内。(f)呈献;提出。(g)出卖货品。(h)提名为候选人。(i)陈列;展示;上演。(j)供应。(k)(供以)住宿。(l)鼓舞。(m)给予暗示;提议。 put up a fight 抵抗。 put up for sale 开始销售。 put upon 利用;欺骗。 put [shut] up 闭嘴。 put up with 忍受;忍耐。 hard put to it 处于困境。 not to put too fine a point on it 坦白地说。 well put 表达得明白。 n. A push; throw; thrust. (常用单数)推;投;掷。 An agreement to deliver merchandise at a fixed price and date. (买方指定价格及日期的)交货合同。 phrases Put and call 买方选择价格及日期的交易。 adj. Fixed; immovable. 【口】不动的;固定的。 Stay put! 不要动! a put-up job 掩人耳目之事。 idoms shot put 【体】推铅球。 |
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