get round
To spread among a number of people, as of news, rumors, etc. When news of this tax scandal gets round, your career in politics will be finished!
get round (someone)
1. To persuade someone about something or persuade someone to do something, especially through the use of charm, flattery, or cajolery. If we play up the department's excellent productivity for the day, we might be able to get round the boss to let us take the afternoon off. I don't mind if you go for an ice cream, but you'd better get round your father first.
2. To evade or circumvent the authority of someone. We'll have to find a way to get round the accountant if we want this tax scheme to work.
get round (something)
To solve, overcome, avoid, or circumvent some difficulty, problem, or obstacle. We got round the overheating problem by installing an additional air vent. Many people try to get round their taxes in one way or another, but most of them end up paying even more in fines.