词汇 | pass |
释义 | pass /pas/ (过去式: passed; 过去完成式: passed; 现在进行式: passing; 第三人称单数: passes) v.i. To go from one place or condition to another, move along. 经过;通过;变移;行过。 The parade passes down the street. 游行的行列经过街市。 To move from one to another; be exchanged; circulate freely, as money. 流通;交换;通行(如钱币)。 A note of the Bank of England used to pass anywhere. 英国银行的纸币过去在任何地方皆可通用。 To elapse or go by. (时间)过去。 The night passed. 夜已逝。 To make or force one's way. 挤过。 Allow me to pass, please. 拜托,借过一下。 To go unnoticed. 未引起注意。 His action passed without rebuke. 他的行为未被注意而躲过了责备。 To be enacted. 议定;通过。 To depart; die. 离去;死去。 King Arthur passed in peace. 亚瑟王在平静中逝世。 To go through a test with success. 考试及格。 He passed (in the examination). 他(考试)及格了。 To give a decision as to the quality or validity of something. 评判;品评;下判决((on; upon))。 The judges passed on each contestant. 裁判品评每位竞赛者。 To relinquish the right or opportunity of playing or bidding. (牌戏)不叫牌;停止叫牌。 To throw in one's hand. 丢出手中的牌。 To be conveyed to another by will or other document; used of property. 【法律】立遗嘱或契约而转让产业。 To be barely adequate. 恰好能够;刚好胜任。 To be accepted or looked upon as. 被认为;冒充。 He passes for a great scholar. 他被认为是个大学者。 Take place or be exchanged as or in a social, personal. Or business interaction. 发生;交换。 v.t. To go by, through, beyond, etc. 经过;穿过;越过。 She was just passing seventeen. 她刚满十七岁。 To cause or allow to go. 使能过去;准予过去;渡过。 The horse passed the stream. 那马渡过了溪流。 Also, to convey to another; cause to circulate. 传递;使流通((for))。 He was arrested of r passing forged notes. 他因使用伪钞而被捕。 Please pass (me) the salt. 请将盐递给我。 To spend. 过;度。 I intend to pass the winter at Paris. 我打算在巴黎过冬。 To exceed. 超越。 It passes belief. 那实在令人难以相信。 To give as judgment. 下(判断)((on; upon)) I cannot pass any judgment on that poem. 我对那首诗无法下任何判断。 To utter or pronounce. 发(言);宣判。 A judge passed sentence on guilty persons. 法官判决犯罪的人。 To give legal status to, as a bill or law; approve, as a candidate. 议决;通过(议案或法律);录取。 The examiners passed him. 考官使其及格。 To void from the body, as urine or excrement. 排泄(如大小便)。 To omit, as a dividend. 不付(股息);不发放。 To promise. 【罕】允诺。 To enact (legislation). 制订;立(法)。 To obtain legislative sanction from. (法案等)获得通过。 The bill passed the house. 该法案获得议院通过。 To undergo. 经历;遭受。 To make a thrust. (剑)刺入。 He passed his cane into the hole. 他将柺杖插入洞中。 To circulate. 流通;传阅。 phrases pass a law 通过法令。 pass a remark 说出评论或诋毁的话。 pass around 分配。 pass away (a)去世。(b)消耗;浪费。 pass by (a)经过。(b)不理。 pass in a crowd 不会太逊色。 pass in review (a)接受检阅。(b)阅兵。(c)一个个审查。 pass into (a)获准入学;获准进入。(b)变成。 pass judgment 评论;发表不佳的意见。 pass muster 合格;可接受。 pass off (a)逐渐消失。(b)不理会;不在意。(c)欺骗。 pass on (a)遗留;过继。(b)让给;传给。(c)【婉】逝世;去世。 pass one's eyes over 过目;浏览。 pass out 昏迷;失去知觉。 pass over (a)不理;漠视。(b)通过。 pass sb [sth] by 忽视;不注意。 pass sth on sth [sb] 对某事物或某人表示意见。 pass the hat round 传递帽子以募集捐款。 pass the Rubicon 采断然行动;破釜沈舟。(= cross the Rubicon) pass the time 消磨时间。 pass the time of day 寒暄;问候。 pass through (a)穿过;通过。(b)经验。 pass up 放弃;拒绝。 pass water 小便;排尿。 (复数: passes) n. A narrow passage, avenue, or entrance; defile. 狭道;狭路;入口;山路。 A permit allowing free admission or passage. 通行证。 a railway pass 铁路免费乘车证。 A state of extremity. 【口】危机;困境。 A quick movement, as of a card or other object, by sleight of hand. (物品)快速的移动(如戏法中之手法)。 A movement of the hand, as by a mesmerist. (催眠者之)手法。 A thrust. (剑)刺。 Act of passing. 走过;经过。 Permit to enter a restricted area or pass through military lines. 【军】通行证;口令。 Leave of specified short duration granted to a soldier. 【军】短期休假。 Transfer of a ball or puck to a teammate. 【体】传球。 Undergoing successfully of a test or examination. (考试)及格。 Invitation by word or gesture to sexual intimacy. 【口】送秋波;说出挑逗的字眼;做出挑逗的动作。 Act of not bidding or raising another's bid. 不叫牌;不提高叫价。 phrases a pretty pass 严重情况。 bring to pass 使发生;完成。 come to a pretty pass 陷入困境。 come to pass 发生。 hold the pass 【古】拥护。 make passes [a pass] at (非正式用法)向...送秋波;追求(异性)。 sell the pass (为钱)把要塞献给敌人;自毁长城。 idoms pass degree 【英】(大学)普通及格学位。 passed ball 【体】(棒球)漏接的球。 derivatives n. passer. |
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