A bank or wall built so as to hold water. 堤;闸堰;坝;水库。 Water so held back. 被坝蓄阻之水。 To confine or raise the level of, as water, by a dam; restrain. 以坝拦阻;抑制。 Man sometimes must dam his feelings. 人有时需抑制感情。 To provide with a dam; confine the waters of, as a stream, by a dam. 筑以坝;筑堤堵水。 Engineers are going to dam the river to save the water. 工程师打算在河流上筑堤储水。 不要混淆 dam 和 damn。Dam 防阻,damn 咒骂;遭天谴。 Army engineers dammed the river. 工兵筑坝拦水。 Sinners may be damned to everlasting hellfire. 罪人会受堕入永恒的地狱之火的天谴。 A mother; generally used for guadrupeds. 母兽。 |