Music produced by the human voice. 歌唱;声乐。 A rhythmic and tuneful musical sound uttered vocally, as by a bird or an insect. 歌;鸣啭(如鸟语、虫鸣)。 A lyric or ballad. 抒情诗;民谣。 A musical composition to be rendered by the voice. 歌曲;歌谣。 He sold it for a song. 他以极低的价钱将东西卖出。 buy sth for a song (an old song) 很便宜地买到某物。 not worth an old song 没有价值。 nothing to make a song and dance about 没有价值的东西;不值一顾的东西。 song and dance 歌舞表演;博取同情的谎言或托辞。 the same old song 老花样;老调子。 Song of Solomon 【宗】(旧约中的)雅歌。(= Song of Songs) Song of Songs 【宗】(旧约中的)雅歌。(= Song of Solomon) |