rope (one) into (doing) (something)
To persuade, entice, or enlist one to do or participate in something. I really didn't want to sing in the talent show, but Janet roped me into it. I managed to rope a few friends into helping us move out on Saturday.
rope someone into something
and rope someone inFig. to cause someone to get involved in some project. She's always trying to rope me into her club. Let's rope in someone to help with cleaning up.
rope someone into doing something
Fig. to persuade or trick someone into doing something. I don't know who roped me into doing this, but I don't want to do it. See if you can rope somebody into taking this to the post office.
rope into
v. To persuade someone to do something by means of trickery or deception: A dishonorable salesman roped us into buying worthless property.