To put or set forth, as a proposition or a question. 提出(如建议或问题)((for; to))。 You've posed us an awkward question. 你给我们出了一个难题。 To place in a suitable attitude. 把姿势摆好;把...摆正位置。 The photographer posed his model carefully. 摄影师仔细地把模特儿的姿势摆好。 To assume and keep an attitude. 摆姿势((for))。 The model posed for an hour. 模特儿摆姿势摆了一个钟头。 To make a pretense. 假装((as))。 She poses as being charitable. 她假装慈善。 Attitude or position. 态度;姿势。 A manner put on for the sake of effect. 假装的模样。 His liberality is a mere pose. 他的慷慨只是故作姿态。 To perplex; puzzle. 使困惑;难住。 |