Of little breadth or width. 狭窄的。 Limited; straitened. 有限的;艰困的。 Lacking breadth or broadness of view. 度量小的;意见偏狭的。 a narrow escape 九死一生;仅以身免。 a narrow (close) escape 千钧一发 keep the straight and narrow 过着谨守道德的生活。 To lessen the breadth or extent of; confine or contract. 使狭窄;限制;缩小。 In the bright sunlight she had to narrow her eyes. 大太阳光底下,她不得不眯起眼睛。 To make less liberal; restrict. 紧缩;限制。 Let's narrow (down) what we mean by "justice"。 让我们将公平正义的定义说得更准确一点。 The sea narrows into a strait. 海渐窄而入峡。 A contracted part of a stream, lake or sea; a strait connecting two bodies of water. 海狭;狭道。 narrow bed 墓。(= narrow house) narrow circumstances 贫穷;穷困。 narrow house 墓。(= narrow bed) narrow transcription 【语音】精密表记法。 the Narrows (a)通过纽约港的狭窄海峡。(b)达达尼尔海峡的最狭窄部分。 |