pull (up) chocks
1. To remove the wedges used to keep the wheels of a vehicle from moving. Used especially in reference to aviation, particularly in the military. I was put on duty pulling chocks for the fighter jets aboard the aircraft carrier. She was willing to do any tough job, from pulling chocks to hauling cargo.
2. To pack up and leave some place. OK, team, we're finished here—let's pull chocks and head back to headquarters. After a week of camping in the countryside, we finally pulled up chocks and decided to stay in a bed and breakfast for the night before going back home.
3. To leave one's place of residence or employment and relocate elsewhere. I've loved living in the city, but now that we have a baby on the way, it's time to pull up chocks and find somewhere more affordable. I always told myself that I would pull chocks after spending five years working for them.