(all) beer and skittles
Fun and enjoyable. "Skittles" is a British game that is similar to bowling. You've been working all weekend, so just come out with us for a little while—it'll be beer and skittles, I promise. Just because we get good perks doesn't mean this job is all beer and skittles.
(all) beer and skittles
all fun and pleasure; easy and pleasant. (Skittles is the game of ninepins, a game similar to bowling. Fixed phrase.) For Sam, college was beer and skittles. He wasted a lot of time and money.
beer and skittles
amusement. British This phrase comes from the proverb life isn't all beer and skittles . The game of skittles is used as a prime example of a form of light-hearted entertainment.
beer and skittles
(...ˈskɪdlæz) n. something very easy to do; an easy time of it. Did you think life was all beer and skittles?