释义 | AH n. a really wretched person, male or female; an abbreviation of asshole. (Initialism. Both written and pronounced.)Stop being such an AH.Bill is a total AH, and he is getting on everyone's nerves. asshole n. an obnoxious person. (Crude and provocative. Also a rude term of address.)Shut up and get out, you asshole!Some days it seems like only the assholes got up, and everyone else stayed in bed. bad egg n. a repellent person.You're not such a bad egg after all.She's a real bad egg. bad trip n. any bad experience or person.This class is a bad trip.Harry can be such a bad trip. ball-breaker and ball-buster n. a hard or cruel boss. (Originally for males, now for either sex.)The boss is a real ballbreaker, and I don't know how long I can go on with this job.They have special management schools to train ball-breakers. barf-out n. an unpleasant person or thing.What a barf-out! I want my money back.That guy is a real barf-out. bathtub scum n. a totally despised person.Look out, bathtub scum, outa my way!John is bathtub scum at its worst. birdturd n. an obnoxious person. (Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion. Derogatory. Also a term of address.)You silly birdturd. Wake up!Clare can be such a birdturd when she wants. bitch of a someone n. a really difficult person. (Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)What a bitch of a salesclerk.He is really a bitch of a boss. BM n. a disgusting and annoying person. (Use with caution. From bowel movement. A way of calling a person a shit. Derogatory.)The guy's a real BM. A total pain.The new guy has to be the world's worst BM. boody and boodie; bootie; booty n. someone or something disliked.Why don't you clean up all this boody? This place is a mess.Who are those boodies blocking the doorway? boogieman n. an imaginary man who is said to frighten people; a false threat of any kind.Don't turn me into a boogieman. Spank the child yourself.The press has made the secretary into some sort of boogieman. creeping-crud n. a repellent person.Wally has become such a creeping-crud since he inherited all that money.Don't be a creeping-crud. Just go back to being a plain crud. crud n. a repellent person.Don't be such a crud!That crud kept trying to paw me! crumb n. a repellent person.The old man was a crumb and tried to cheat us.Micky is a crumb, and he treats me like dirt. crumbum n. a repellent person; a bum.A skid row crumbum asked us for a buck.I gave the crumbum a buck and hoped he would leave. cull n. a socially unacceptable person.Who's the cull driving the Edsel?This place is filled with culls. Let's split. dingbat n. any undesirable person. (Also a rude term of address.)Look, dingbat, stop laughing!I'm tired of reading about that dingbat in the paper every day. dirty dog n. a low and sneaky person.What a low, dirty dog.That dirty dog tried to get fresh with me! dirty joke n. a very ugly or very stupid person.Look at that face. That's a dirty joke.Beavis is sort of a dirty joke that nobody can laugh at. dog's mother n. a bitch; a bitchy person. (Euphemistic.)If Sally insists on being a dog's mother on this matter, I'll tell her what I think of her.Stop being a dog's mother and chill out! douche bag n. a repellent person; a disliked person. (Crude.)Oh, shut up, you old douche bag!Don't be a douche bag! duck-squeezer n. someone with strong concerns about the environment and conservation, especially rescuing oilcovered ducks.Some duck-squeezers were complaining about what the new dam might do.The duck-squeezers were picketing the dam site. eagle freak n. someone with strong concerns about the environment and conservation, especially the preservation of the eagle.The eagle freaks oppose building the dam.They call me an eagle freak, which doesn't bother me at all. eco freak and eco nut n. someone with strong concerns about the environment and conservation. (Mildly derogatory. From ecology.)They call me an eco freak, which is okay by me.It's we eco nuts who think about the future of our planet. fart n. an obnoxious or a stupid person. (Also a provocative term of address.)Who's the old fart with the enormous mustache?Who called me an old fart? freeloader n. someone who eats and drinks at someone else's expense; a parasitic person.Ken is sort of a freeloader, but he's a lot of fun anyway.There are a lot of freeloaders here. We are going to have to ask to see tickets. fussbudget n. someone who fusses all the time, especially a baby.Oh, Gary, don't be such a fussbudget.He is such a fussbudget. Get him a passy. geek and geke n. a disgusting and repellent person; a creep.The convention was a seething morass of pushy sales geeks and glad-handers.Who's the geke who just came in? gomer and goomer n. a person unwelcome in a hospital. (Supposedly an acronym for “Get out of my emergency room.”)That gomer with the allergy is back in ER.I don't want that goomer back in the emergency room. goody two-shoes n. someone who tries to behave better than anyone else. (Also a term of address.)Well, goody twoshoes, so you decided to come sit with us.I'm no goody two-shoes. I just like to keep my nose clean. grave-dancer n. someone who profits over someone else's misfortune. (From dance on someone's grave.)I don't want to seem like a grave-dancer, but his defeat places me in line for a promotion.The guy's a grave-dancer. Anything to get ahead. grod and groddess n. an especially sloppy man or woman. (Patterned on god and goddess.)Hello, grods and groddesses, what's new?She is the groddess of scraggly ends. grub n. a sloppy person.Don is such a grub all the time.Sorry I look like a grub. I've been doing some plumbing. grunge n. an ugly or nasty person; a repellent person.Heidi thinks that Max is a grunge.Some grunch came by and dropped off this strange package for you. grunt n. a low-ranking or subservient person. (Someone who is likely to utter a grunt because of the discomforts of menial labor.)Get one of the grunts over here to clean this up.Let's hire a grunt to do this kind of work. gug n. a repellent person.Oo, he's such a gug!Rocko is not a gug! gym shoe n. a disliked person.Who is the gym shoe who comes to class in a sport coat?Fred is such a gym shoe. Will he ever get with it? hack n. anyone who does poor or undesirable work.Oh, he's just a hack. What can you expect?There's always plenty of work for a hack. hairball and furball n. an obnoxious person.I wish that the guys I date didn't always turn out to be hairballs.Stop being such a furball, Wally. hippy and hippie n. a long-haired, drug-using youth of the 1960s and 1970s.That guy looks like a hippy left over from the sixties.Who's that hasbeen hippie who just came in? hip-shooter n. someone who talks without thinking; someone who speaks very frankly.He's just a loudmouthed hipshooter. Pay no attention.The press secretary was a hyper and a hip-shooter. She won't last long. hipster n. a youth of the 1950s, characterized by an interest in jazz and cool things.Can you imagine your father as a hipster?Were the hipsters the ones with the big shoulder pads? hodad and hodaddy n. an obnoxious person; a repellent person. (California.)Ted is a total hodad.Who's the hodaddy in the plaid pants? hole n. a despised person; an asshole. (Use caution with the topic. Also a term of address.)Sam is such a hole. He needs human being lessons.You stupid hole! Watch what you're doing! holy terror n. a devilish person; a badly behaving child.Jimmy has become a holy terror lately.Why is the boss such a holy terror today? ick n. a disliked person.Tell that ick to leave. He's polluting the place.Oh, Todd, don't be an ick. jackal n. a low and devious person.You are nothing but a slimy jackal!What does that jackal want here? killjoy n. a person who takes the fun out of things for other people; a partypooper.Don't be such a killjoy!Larry is such a killjoy when he gets nervous. know-it-all n. someone who gives the impression of knowing everything.Pete is such a know-it-all!That knowit- all isn't of much use to our committee. kvetch and quetch n. a complainer.What a kvetch you are!We don't need another quetch around here. lightweight n. an inconsequential person; someone who accomplishes very little.Don't worry about her. She's just a lightweight.Those lightweights don't know how to run things right. long knife n. a destroyer; a hatchet man.The secretary was acting as a long knife for the President.One of his long knives came over to pressure us into cooperating. loudmouth n. a person who talks too much or too loudly.I try not to be a loudmouth, but I sometimes get carried away.There are a number of loudmouths in here who are competing with one another. low-life n. a low person; a repellent person.This low-life smells like bacon.Hey, low-life, keep out of my way. low rent n. a low person; someone without grace or spirit. (Also a rude term of address.)Look, low rent, where is what you owe me?This low rent here thinks he can push Bruno around, huh? maggot n. a low and wretched person; a vile person.You maggot! Take your hands off me!Only a maggot would do something like that. megabitch n. a truly obnoxious bitch.Bob, you are such a megabitch!Anne called herself a megabitch and said she didn't care what people thought of her. nark and narc n. any unpleasant person.Tell that narc to get lost.Stop being such a narc. Beat it! nudge and noodge n. someone who nags.Sally can be such a nudge!I really can't stand a noodge. nudnik n. a bore; a pest; a crank. (From Russian via Yiddish. Also a term of address.)Tell that nudnik to stay away from here. He is such a pest.Heidi can be such a nudnik! pain in the ass and pain in the butt; pain in the rear n. a very annoying thing or person. (Crude. Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion. An elaboration of pain. Use caution with ass. Butt is less offensive. Rear is euphemistic.)That guy is a real pain in the ass.Things like that give me a pain in the butt.You are nothing but a pain in the rear. pain in the neck n. a difficult or annoying thing or person.This tax form is a pain in the neck.My boss is a pain in the neck. pig n. a dirty or slovenly person.Max is a pig. I don't think he bathes enough.Jimmy, change your clothes. Look at that mud, you little pig! polecat n. a mean and deceitful person, usually male. (Folksy. Polecat is another U.S. word for skunk.)You dirty polecat!Tell that polecat I want to talk to him. pond scum n. a mean and wretched person; a worthless male. (Collegiate. An elaboration of scum, less crude than scumbag. Also a rude term of address.)Tell that pond scum to beat it.Get your hands off me, you pond scum! poohead n. an obnoxious person.Wally, don't be such a poohead!What poohead left the window open? puke n. a disgusting person.I can't stand that puke!Make that puke get out of here, or I will scream! rat n. a wretched acting person. (Also a term of address.)You dirty rat, you!Stop acting like a dirty rat! real bitch n. a very difficult or annoying thing or person. (Can refer to male or female. Use with caution.)This math problem is a real bitch.Fred is a true problem. A real bitch. redneck n. a stereotypic southern bigot. (Derogatory. Also a term of address.)Those rednecks can hardly read.Look, you stupid redneck, try to understand. retread n. a burned-out person; a madeover person.Chuck is just a retread. He's through.I need somebody fresh and alive, not some tired retread. rotten apple n. a single bad person or thing.There always is a rotten apple to spoil it for the rest of us.Tom sure has turned out to be the rotten apple. rotten egg n. a bad or despised person; a stinker.That guy is a real rotten egg.She sure has turned out to be a rotten egg. roughhouse and roughneck n. a mean kid; a boisterous child, usually male.Jimmy! Stop acting like such a roughhouse.Tell that young roughneck to straighten up and behave. royal pain n. someone or something irritating; a severe annoyance.You are a royal pain!Her questions were a royal pain, but I had to answer them as part of my job. schlepper and shlepper n. an annoying person who always wants a bargain or a favor.Why am I surrounded by people who want something from me? Is this a schlepper colony or what?Tell the shleppers that they'll get their money after I close the sale on my wife and kids. schmuck n. a jerk; a repellent male. (Also a rude term of address. Yiddish.)Who is that stupid schmuck over there?Ask that schmuck how long he will be on the phone. schtoonk and shtoonk n. a detestable person. (Yiddish.)The schtoonk from downstairs was here to talk to you. I told him you died.Who needs a shtoonk like that? screaming-meemie and screamiemeemie n. a screaming child or adult.Oh, don't be such a screaming-meemie!Jennifer has been a terrible screamiemeemie all day long! scum n. a wretched person. (Also a rude and provocative term of address.)Who is that scum? Who does she think she is?Look, you scum, I'm gonna fix you once and for all! scumbag n. a mean and wretched person, usually a male. (Also a rude term of address.)That scumbag is going to get caught someday.All those guys are scumbags. I don't want to have anything to do with any of them. scut n. a despicable person. (Teens and collegiate.)How can you be, like, such a scut?It's scuts like that who give all us really rad kids a bad name. scuz(z) n. a nasty person; an undesirable person; a scraggly person.And this scuzz comes up to me and asks me to dance, and I'm, like, “What?”I told the scuz, like, I was feeling sick, so I couldn't dance with anybody. scuzzbag n. a despicable person. (Also a rude term of address.)Who is that scuzzbag who just came in?Look, scuzzbag, we don't want your kind around here. scuzzo n. a repellent person.There's the scuzzo who thinks I like him.How do you get rid of a scuzzo like that? second fiddle n. a person in a secondary role; the second best. (Frequently with play.)I won't stay around here playing second fiddle for someone half my age and ability!There are worse things than being second fiddle. shit n. a despicable person. (Crude. Also a rude and provocative term of address.)Tell that stupid shit to get out of here, or I'll bust him one.What a shit you are! shithead n. a despicable person. (Crude. Also a rude and provocative term of address. Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)You stupid shithead!The guy is somewhere between an asshole and a shithead. shitsky n. a despicable person. (Provocative. Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)The stupid shitsky is back on skag again.With a shitsky like that on your side, who needs enemies? shower scum n. a despised person; despised people.Who is the shower scum who put a cigarette butt in my houseplant?I wish the shower scum of the neighborhood wouldn't throw trash in my yard. shuck n. an insincere person.The guy's a shuck. Don't believe a thing he says!Who needs a shuck for a legislator? sidewinder n. a sneaky and despicable man. (Western jargon. From the name of the sidewinder rattlesnake.)You dirty, lowdown sidewinder! That's too much!What sidewinder spilled my drink? skag and scag n. a rotten thing or person.Don't be such a skag. Who do you think you are?Gary has become more of a scag than I can stand. skunk n. a mean and hateful person.What a skunk!Must you be such a skunk in front of my friends? sleaze and sleez n. a low and despicable person.God, what a sleaze! How can anybody be so skanky?You'd expect to find a sleez like that in a sleazoid joint like this. sleazebag n. a repellent person or place.I won't go into a sleazebag like that.Who is the sleazebag leaning against the wall? sleazeball n. a repellent person.He's okay if you're into sleazeballs.Who is that sleazeball with the earring? sleaze-bucket n. a repellent person, thing, or place.Gad, what a sleazebucket! Let me out of here!Gee, Sue, your date's a real sleaze-bucket! sleazo 1. and sleazoid mod. low; disreputable; sleazy. Let's get out of this sleazo joint.Who wants a sleazoid car with no back seat? 2. n. a sleazy person. Who is this sleazoid?Who was that sleazoid I saw you with last night? slime bag and slime bucket; slimebag; slimeball n. a despicable person, usually a male.Gee, a slime bag like that in the same room with me! Yuck!Who's the slime bucket in the 1962 Bonneville? slob n. a rude, fat, and unpleasant person.What a slob! Comb your hair, if you can get a comb through it!Why doesn't that slob go on a diet or something? Anything! sludgeball n. a despicable and repellent person.Mike is such a sludgeball! Why do you keep seeing him?He's no sludgeball; he's eccentric. smart aleck n. someone who is saucy and acts cocky.A smart aleck like you ought to have no trouble at all getting his face mashed in.Don't be such a smart aleck. smart ass n. someone who makes wisecracks and acts cocky. (Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)Some smart ass came in here and asked for a sky hook.Don't be such a smart ass! smart guy n. a man who acts cocky; a wise guy.All right, smart guy, see if you like this one.Some smart guy put fresh paint on this bench. smart mouth n. someone who makes wisecracks; a cocky person who speaks out of turn.Don't be a smart mouth with me!Mr. Atkins is going to get a reputation as a smart mouth. smarty n. a cocky person. (Also a term of address.)Well, if you're such a smarty, why aren't you rich?Okay, smarty, do it yourself. smarty-pants n. a cocky person; a smart aleck.Look, smarty-pants, let's cut the clowning around.That smarty-pants is going to get herself into big trouble. snake in the grass n. a sneaky and despised person.How could I ever have trusted that snake in the grass?John is such a snake in the grass. snoop n. someone who prowls around looking for something.Don't be a snoop.Fred is just a snoop. He went through my desk! snot n. a nasty person; an obnoxious person.You needn't be such a snot about it.What a snot! son of a bitch n. a despicable person, usually a male. (Crude and provocative. Also a very insulting term of address. Abbreviated SOB.)Tell that son of a bitch to get out of here, but fast.Look, you son of a bitch. I'm going to paste you one. son of a gun n. a despicable person, usually a male. (Euphemistic for son of a bitch.)If that son of a gun thinks he can boss me around like that, he's got another think coming.Some son of a gun tried to sell me a used car with no engine. sorehead n. a poor loser.Don't be a sorehead. You knew what you're getting into.Some sorehead at the track tried to punch a cashier. spaz n. a total jerk; someone who overreacts to something. (Not used for a congenitally spastic condition.)Some spaz is in the other room screaming about a stolen car.Relax! You don't need to be a spaz. sponge n. a parasitic person.Don't be a sponge. Get your own!Here comes that sponge, Wally. Hide your wallet, pencils, glasses, and any clothes in his size. square peg (in a round hole) n. someone who does not fit in.I'm a square peg in a round hole. Maybe I am meant to be eccentric.Kelly seems to be a square peg. What'll we do with him? stinker n. an unpleasant or wicked person.Jerry is a real stinker. Look what he did!What stinker messed up my desk? stooge n. someone's pawn; someone controlled or maneuvered by someone else.I'm not going to be your stooge!The guy's a stooge for the mob's Mr. Big. Ignore him. sucker n. an annoying person. (Also a rude term of address.)Look, sucker, get out of my way!I am really sick of that sucker hanging around here. swellhead n. a conceited person.Tom is getting to be such a swellhead.I wish that swellhead would spend more time elsewhere! trip n. an annoying person or thing.Class was a trip today.She is such a trip. turd n. a wretched person. (Also a provocative term of address.)You stupid turd!The guy acts like a real turd most of the time. two-time loser n. a confirmed loser.Poor Max is a two-time loser.Martin is a two-time loser, or at least he looks like one. vegetable n. someone who is braindead; someone who acts brain-dead; a person almost totally destroyed by drugs.You are such a vegetable!You want to end up a vegetable? Just keep shooting that stuff.Cable T.V. is turning me into a vegetable. wart n. an annoying person. (Also a rude term of address.)Who is that wart with the inch-thick glasses?Tell the wart to leave, or we will be forced to call Bruno, who doesn't care for such persons. weasel n. a sneaky person.You slimy weasel! How could you!If Fred weren't such a weasel, we could get along better. weisenheimer and wiseacre n. a presumptuous smart aleck. (Also a term of address.)Who's the wiseacre who put sugar in the salt shaker?Look, weisenheimer, watch your tongue! wet blanket n. someone who ruins a good time. (In the way that a wet blanket is used to put out a fire.)Oh, Martin! Why do you have to be such a wet blanket?Don't be a wet blanket! Have some fun! wipeout n. a loser; someone who is likely to wipe out.The guy's a wipeout, for sure.Please don't call my friend a wipeout. wise guy n. a foolish person; a smart aleck.Look, wise guy, mind your own business!Some wise guy messed up my work. wrongo n. an undesirable thing or person; a member of the underworld.The guy's a total wrongo. He's got to be guilty.This whole business is a complete wrongo. Something's fishy. yard dog n. a repellent person; an uncouth person.Is that lousy yard dog hanging around the neighborhood again?Yup. It's that yard dog, Max. yazzihamper n. an obnoxious person.You are the most annoying yazzihamper I know!Who's the yazzihamper in the double knit? young Turk n. a contentious young person who goes against the system.The young Turks are acting up again.Not another young Turk! yoyo and yo-yo n. a fool; an obnoxious person.Who's the yo-yo in the plaid pants?Some yoyo wants to talk to you on the phone. yuck and yuk n. someone or something disgusting. (Also a term of address.)I don't want any of that yuck on my plate!Who is that yuk in the red bandana? zarf n. an ugly and repellent male.Ooo, who is that zarf who just came in?That zarf is Martin, and he makes all A's, and he helps me with my homework, so just shut up! zod n. any repellent thing or person. (California.)Wally is such a total zod.Is this grody zod yours or mine? |
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