Pertaining to, producing, or full of, harmony or melody; melodious. 音韵优美的;音乐的;和谐之音的;和谐的。 Having a talent or fondness for music. 擅长音乐的;爱好音乐的。 A film or theatrical production typically of a sentimental or humorous nature that consists of musical numbers and dialogue based on a unifying plot. 音乐片;音乐剧(以音乐为主,感伤或幽默性的)。 musical chairs 音乐停时抢椅子的游戏。 musical comedy [drama; play] 歌舞剧。 musical glasses 音乐杯(放入不等量水的小组杯子;以湿指摩擦杯口演奏)。 tuneful, dulcet, sweet, harmonious. |