To spread out; unfold. 展开;摊开。 The boat displaced all her flags as she came into port. 此船在入港时展开它所有的旗帜。 The fireman displayed great courage in saving the child. 救火员拯救那小孩的行为表现了极大的勇气。 To make prominent by large type. 【印】(用大号活字版)使醒目。 To make a show of something. 显示。 The latest merchandise is on display. 最新的产品正在展示中。 A device (as a cathode ray tube) that gives information in visual from in communications. 显示器。 display ad 醒目刊载的广告。(= display advertising) display advertising 醒目刊载的广告。(= display ad) display artist 橱窗(室内展览)设计家。 |