词汇 | disguise |
释义 | disguise /dɪs`gaɪz/ (过去式: disguised; 过去完成式: disguised; 现在进行式: disguising) v.t. To conceal or change the appearance of, as by an unusual dress. 改装;假扮。 He attempted to escape disguised as a monk. 他乔装成和尚打算逃走。 He disguised himself as a woman. 他假扮成一个女子。 This is a door, but is disguised as a bookcase. 这是一个门,但被伪装成一个书架。 To conceal or alter by a pretense. 隐匿;掩饰。 She tried to disguise her real feelings. 她设法隐藏她真正的感情。 n. A dress designed to conceal the identity of the wearer. 乔装用的衣服。 Now I bring you your disguise. 现在我将你的改装衣物拿来。 Concealment by assumed speech, manner, or appearance; a false pretense. 免装;佯装;乔饰。 That which serves to conceal; a cloak; a mask. 用以隐匿者;遮掩物;假面具。 phrases a blessing in disguise 塞翁失马之福。 throw off one's disguise 除去假面具,显出原来的面目。 derivatives adv. disguisedly. n. disguiser. n. disguisement. synonyms pretext, simulation. antonyms reality, openness, candor. |
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