agree to differ
Of two parties, to mutually accept that they simply do not (and will not) share the same view on a particular issue, in the interest of moving past the issue or avoiding further confrontation. After their discussion about politics intensified, Fred and Sue had to agree to differ before it impacted their friendship. I'm sick of arguing with you, so let's just agree to differ and move on from this issue.
agree to differ
or agree to disagree
If two people who are arguing about something agree to differ or agree to disagree, they decide to stop arguing because neither of them is going to change their opinion. I find some of his views very curious and we've agreed to differ on some things. You and I are going to have to agree to disagree on this issue.
agree to differ
cease to argue about something because neither party will compromise or be persuaded.aˌgree to ˈdiffer
(of two or more people) allow each other to have different opinions about something, especially in order to avoid more argument: Our views on this matter are so different that we’ll just have to agree to differ.