The joints or hooks on which a door, gate, lid, etc. turns or swings. 铰链。 The joint of an oyster or similar shell. 牡蛎或其他双贝壳之接合部。 That on which anything depends or turns. 枢纽。 This is the hinge on which the question turns. 这是此问题的关键所在。 off the hinges (身体等)情况失常;无秩序。 To furnish with a hinge. 装铰链。 The carpenter hinged the cupboard doors. 木匠把橱柜的门装上铰链。 To turn or depend, as on a hinge. 依...而定;视...而定。 My future hinges upon the decision of one person. 我的前途全看某一个人的决定。 |