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词汇 shit
tr. to deceive someone; to lie to someone. (Use with caution.)
Stop shittin' me, you bastard!You wouldn't shit me, would you?
exclam. a general expression of disgust. (Usually Shit! Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)
Oh, shit! What a mess!Shit! That's terrible.
Theme: DRUGS
n. drugs in general; heroin; marijuana.
Lay off the shit, Harry! You're gonna end up hooked.So Marty scores a bag of shit—I mean skag—you know, H.—and we get out the apps to shoot.
(Use only with discretion.) n. dung.
Don't step in that shit there.There's dog shit in my yard!
n. nonsense. (Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)
Don't give me that shit! I know you're lying.I'm tired of your shit!
n. a despicable person. (Crude. Also a rude and provocative term of address.)
Tell that stupid shit to get out of here, or I'll bust him one.What a shit you are!
n. something poor in quality; junk. (Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)
This stuff is shit. Show me something better.What do you keep all this shit around here for?
1. adjective
inferior; shoddy; valueless; unpleasant; disliked for whatever reason UK, 1930.
unfashionable; in poor taste UK, 2001.
bad US, 1950.
despicable US, 1977.
good UK, 1996
2. noun
heroin US, 1950.
marijuana US, 1946.
crack cocaine UK, 1996.
narcotics; drugs in general US, 1967.
things; possessions US, 1969.
anything at all US, 1995.
nothing; something of no value IRELAND, 1922.
et cetera US, 1999.
used as a basis for extreme comparisons US, 1957.
a foul mood AUSTRALIA, 1973.
trouble US, 1937.
a contemptible person. Figurative use of excrement, since C16; often in combination as 'regular shit', 'arrogant shit', etc UK, 1508.
criticism UK, 2003.
abuse; unfair treatment UK, 1980.
nonsense UK, 1930.
used as a term of endearment. Especially common in the phrase 'little shit' US, 1970.
business US, 1994.
in the recording industry, a hit single US, 1982.
excrement; an act of defecation. Conventional from the C16, since the C19 has been considered vulgar UK, 1585.
used as a meaningless discourse marker UK, 1997.
a bombardment, especially with shrapnel. A military usage recorded in use in the Falkland Islands during 1982 UK, 1931. all about like shit in a fieldeverywhere UK, 1999. drop someone in the shitto get someone blamed and into trouble. A variation of LAND IN THE SHIT; a conventional sense of 'drop' combined with IN THE SHIT (in trouble) UK, 2001. fall in the shitto get into trouble. A conventional sense of 'fall' combined with IN THE SHIT; leading to the clichéd envy of 'he could fall in the shit and come out smelling of roses' UK, 1984. get your shit togetherto take control of your personal condition; to get your mind and emotions under control; to become organised. A variation of 'pull yourself together' US, 1969. give a shitto care, to be concerned – usually in a negative context UK, 1970s. have shit for brainsto be stupid; to lack intelligence AUSTRALIA, 1986. have shit on the liverto be irritable AUSTRALIA, 1935. have your shit together; get your shit togetherto be focused, organised, self-confident US, 1970. in deep shitin serious trouble US, 1999. in the shit1. in considerable trouble. You can be IN DEEP SHIT, FALL IN THE SHIT or LAND (someone else) IN THE SHIT UK, 1937.2. in combat US, 1987. land in the shitto get someone blamed and into trouble. A conventional sense of 'land' (to set down) combined with IN THE SHIT, generally heard as 'landed (someone) in the shit' UK, 1984. like shit off a shovelextremely fast, swift, prompt UK, 1998. not for shitof a person's ability to do something, not at all, by no means, not in any circumstances UK, 2001. run shit downto discuss something; to inform someone; to explain something US, 1970. talk shitto say disparaging things UK, 1993. the shitthe best US, 1990. the shit will flythere will be trouble UK, 1974. three kinds of shita lot of trouble AUSTRALIA, 1995. treat someone like shitto treat someone in a disdainful or humiliating manner UK, 1999. up to shitno good; hopeless AUSTRALIA, 1978. when the shit hits the fan; when the shit fliesthe moment when a crisis starts, especially if such trouble has been expected UK, 1966. you're shit and you know you areused by football fans as a chant to disparage (and enrage) the opposing team and fans UK, 2001
3. verb
to defecate. Conventional English for about 500 years from the C14, then, sometime in the C19, slipped into vulgarity UK, 1308.
to deceive someone; to lie to someone or stretch the truth. An abbreviated form of BULLSHIT US, 1934. shit a brickto have a difficult time accepting something; to react with anger US, 1971. shit all overto surpass someone or something by a great degree UK, 2003. shit into win easily or by a large margin AUSTRALIA, 1979. shit itto be very nervous or worried; to be thoroughly frightened. An allusion to the bowel-loosening effect of terror UK, 2000. shit it into do something with ease AUSTRALIA, 1992. shit nickelsto be very frightened US, 1968. shit on someoneto disparage or abuse someone UK, 1984. shit or get off the potto get out of the way and let someone else try to do it; make your mind up. Originally directed at dice players CANADA, 1966. shit the life out of someoneto frighten someone. Variation of conventional 'scare the life out of' combined with SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF UK, 1999. shit your pants1. to soil your underpants by accidental defecation UK, 2001.2. to be terrified. To lose control over your excretory functions is noted as a symptom of extreme terror; however, this is used figuratively (most of the time), often as an exaggeration UK, 1994. shit your shortsto behave in a nervous or frightened manner US, 2002. shit yourselfto be terrified. Losing control over your excretory functions is noted as a symptom of extreme terror; it is used here (and most of the time) in a figurative sense, certainly as an exaggeration UK, 1914
idiomshitSome people find the word shit offensive. It is better not to use it. cut the crap/shit don't pull that crap/shit sb is full of crap/shit not ___ jack (shit) shit or get off the potdrop/land sb in the shit BrEBrEspoken to cause trouble for someone, for example by failing to help them or by telling other people about something they have done wrong:Why did you have to tell Gerald I wasn't in the office? You've really dropped me in the shit this time.A few bad players kept landing the team in the shit, and our manager would not get rid of them.get your shit togetherspoken to organize yourself, so that you have a better chance of doing what you want or being successful:This week I'm going to get my shit together and actually make up a portfolio of all my best paintings.I know - I'll fail the course if I don't get my shit together; so is there anything else you want to tell me?
Note This expression, which is used mostly in American English, is considered rude by some people. get your act together means the same thing but is a little less rude.
not give a shitspoken a rude expression used in order to say that you do not care about something:I do what I like and I don't give a shit what anyone else thinks.We wasted a lot of time trying to recruit young people who basically didn't give a shit about politics."You can't drive on the walkway, it's illegal." "Who gives a shit?"give sb shitspoken to talk to someone in a way that is offensive, for example by lying to them, criticizing them, or insulting them:I'm an experienced news cameraman, and if reporters give me shit I can very easily make them look stupid.You weren't given any instructions? Don't give me that shit - it was all explained at the meeting on Thursday.be in deep shit(also be in the shit BrE)spoken to be in a very difficult situation, or to be in trouble because people are angry with you:We're in deep shit - there's no way we can pay back the money we owe.Darren was in the shit for smoking on school premises and missing lessons.not know shit from shinola AmEAmEspoken a rude expression meaning someone does not know anything at all:Carl doesn't know shit from shinola, and I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain everything to him.You would believe some guy who doesn't know shit from shinola before you believe me? —see feature box on page 211
NoteShinola (trademark) is a type of shoe polish (=a liquid for cleaning your shoes).
no shit! especially AmEespecially AmE1 spoken said in order to emphasize that you agree completely with someone and understand how they feel:"This case is a complete waste of everybody's time." "No shit!""It was really windy this morning!" "Yeah, no shit! I thought the house was going to blow down."2 spoken said when you are very surprised at what someone has just said:No shit, he makes $90,000 in that job?"I'm from Watertown, up in the mountains." "No shit! I grew up about a half hour from there!"3 spoken (also no shit Sherlock!) a rude expression said when you think that someone is being stupid because they have just said something that you knew already :"She's going to be really pissed off at you." "No shit! I think I'd figured that one out.""You shouldn't smoke anyway, it'll ruin your health." "No shit Sherlock, you think I don't know that?"be on sb's shit listpopularspoken if you are on someone's shit list, they are very angry with you at that time:You certainly seem to be on Dave's shit list at the moment - what have you done to him?Don't ask Carrie to come - she's at the top of Bob's shit list right now.same shit, different day AmEAmE(also SSDD)slang a rude expression used in order to say that everything is the same as usual:"What's happening, Joe?" "Nothing much - you know same shit, different day."I thought this place would be better than the old one, but it's just same shit, different day.
Note same old, same old means the same as this idiom, but is not rude.
shit happensspoken used in order to say that bad things often happen and that there is nothing anyone can do about it :It took me a long time to get used to the idea that I didn't have a job any more, but now I just think, you know, shit happens.The whole left side of the car was dented and the left tail light was smashed, and there was a bumper sticker on the other side that said 'shit happens'.the shit hits the fanspoken used in order to say that a situation suddenly becomes very difficult, or that people become angry or upset, especially because they have found out about something:When the evidence about bribe-taking was given in court, the shit hit the fan.The shit's going to hit the fan when Dad finds out where I was last night.
Note In American English, where this idiom is more common, you can use other words instead of 'shit' in order to be more polite: You know how it is, one thing goes wrong, and then another, and then everything hits the fan.Five weeks have passed since the news about Thurson's decision hit the fan.
shoot the shit AmEAmEslang an impolite expression meaning to talk in an informal and friendly way about lots of different things, usually about things that are not very important:"What were you guys up to last night?" "We were just sitting around shooting the shit."Len's cool. He's the kind of guy you can sit around and shoot the shit with, and he doesn't make you feel stupid.
Note shoot the breeze means the same as this idiom, but it is not impolite and can be used in both British and American English.
stir the shitproblemspoken to say things that you know will cause trouble for someone:Don't listen to what he says. He's just stirring the shit.Why do you always have to start stirring the shit when we go to see them?shit-stirrer: Watch out for Grace - she's a bit of a shit-stirrer.thick as shit BrEBrEspoken a very rude way of saying that someone is very stupid:What's Hayes doing in university - he's thick as shit!Jenny's good at sports, but she's thick as shit otherwise.
Note thick as two short planks is more common and a little less rude.
sb thinks his/her shit doesn't stink AmEAmEspoken a rude way of saying that someone thinks they are better than other people:Grace has always had this idea that her shit doesn't stink, but we forgive her."What do you think of the new guy?" "Not much - he seems to think his shit doesn't stink."tough shitspoken a rude way of telling someone that you do not care what they think, or do not have any sympathy with their problems:I'm going out clubbing tonight, and if you don't like it, tough shit."This hasn't exactly been the best day of my life." "Well, tough shit."
Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.


1. n. dung; feces. (Usually objectionable. Colloquial. Objectionable for many people. See the complete list of all entries with shit in the Index of Hidden Key Words.) Gee! I stepped in some shit!
2. in. to defecate. (Usually objectionable.) This dog needs to shit. Take it for a walk.
3. n. any trash or unwanted material; junk; clutter. (Usually objectionable.) Clean up this shit and don’t let this place get so messy.
4. n. a wretched person; a despised person. (Rude and derogatory.) You stupid shit! Look what you did!
5. n. one’s personal belongings. (see also get one’s shit together. Usually objectionable.) I gotta get my shit from the kitchen and get outa here.
6. n. lies; nonsense. (From bullshit. Usually objectionable.) All I ever hear out of you is shit.
7. tv. to deceive someone; to lie to someone. Stop shittin’ me, you bastard!
8. n. drugs, especially heroin or marijuana. (Usually objectionable.) You are going to have to get off this shit or you’re gonna die.
9. exclam. a general expression of disgust. (Usually Shit! Usually objectionable.) Oh, shit! What a mess!
  • (as) close as stink on shit
  • (as) rare as rocking horse shit
  • (as) thick as a shit
  • (as) thick as pig shit
  • (the) shit is going to hit the fan
  • (the) shit will hit the fan
  • a crock of shit
  • a load of shit
  • a metric shit ton
  • a metric shitload
  • a shit ton
  • a shitload
  • and shit
  • as close as stink on shit
  • bad shit
  • be (as) thick as a shit
  • be (as) thick as shit
  • be a crock of shit
  • be full of shit/crap
  • be in deep shit
  • be in the shit
  • be on (one's) shit list
  • be on some other shit
  • be shitting a brick
  • be shitting bricks
  • beat the crap out of (someone)
  • beat the living daylights out of
  • beat the shit out of (one)
  • beat the shit out of someone
  • can’t remember shit
  • can't remember shit
  • can't/couldn't tell shit from Shinola
  • chicken shit
  • cling like shit to a shovel
  • cling to (one) like shit to a shovel
  • close as stink on shit
  • come up roses
  • crock of shit
  • cunt-hooks
  • Cut the comedy!
  • day the eagle shits
  • diddly-shit
  • dipshit
  • Do bears shit in the woods?
  • Does a bear shit in the woods?
  • does the Pope shit in the woods
  • don't shit where you eat
  • doodly-shit
  • dumb shit
  • eat shit
  • Eat shit!
  • fish or cut bait
  • for the birds
  • frighten the hell out of
  • frighten the shit out of (one)
  • fuck it, shit happens, drive on
  • Fuck it, shit happens, move on
  • fuck-shit
  • full of crap
  • full of shit
  • get (one's) shit together
  • get one’s act together
  • get one’s shit together
  • get one's act together
  • get shit together
  • get the crap kicked out of (someone)
  • get your shit together
  • give (one) the shits
  • give a shit
  • give a shit about (someone or something)
  • give a shit about someone/something
  • grunt work
  • happy as a pig in shit
  • have a shit-fit
  • have shit for brains
  • holy shit
  • hot shit
  • in deep shit
  • in the shit
  • jack-shit
  • kick the crap out of (someone)
  • kick the shit out of someone, knock the shit out of someone
  • knock the living daylights out of
  • knock the shit out of (one)
  • know shit from Shinola
  • like I (really) give a shit
  • Like I really give a shit!
  • like shit
  • little shit
  • lose (one's) shit
  • no shit
  • No shit!
  • no shit, Sherlock
  • No shit, Sherlock!
  • not give a damn
  • not give a shit
  • not give a shit (about something)
  • not know shit (about something)
  • not know shit about something
  • not know shit from Shinola
  • on some other shit
  • piece of shit
  • pile of shit
  • rocking horse shit
  • scare the shit out of (one)
  • scare the shit out of somebody
  • shit
  • shit (one)self
  • shit (one's) pants
  • shit a brick
  • shit all over (someone or something)
  • shit all over somebody/something
  • shit bricks
  • shit happens
  • shit hits the fan, (when) the
  • shit list
  • shit on
  • shit on (someone or something)
  • shit on a shingle
  • shit on someone
  • shit or get off the can
  • shit or get off the pot
  • Shit or get off the pot!
  • shit out of luck
  • shit rag
  • shit stain
  • shit stick
  • shit will hit the fan, the
  • shit work
  • shitass
  • shit-ass
  • shitbag
  • shit-bag
  • shitbox
  • shitcan
  • shit-eating grin
  • shitfaced
  • shit-faced
  • shithead
  • shit-hooks
  • shithouse
  • shit-house
  • shit-list
  • shitshow
  • shit-stirrer
  • shitstorm
  • shoot the bull
  • shoot the shit
  • soft as shit
  • stick (to someone or something) like shit to a shovel
  • stick like shit to a shovel
  • stir shit
  • take a shit
  • tell shit from Shinola
  • ten pounds of shit in a five-pound bag
  • the day the eagle shits
  • the shit hits the fan
  • the shit out of
  • the shits
  • thick as shit
  • think (one's) shit doesn't stink
  • think (one's) shit don't stink
  • tough break
  • Tough shit
  • up a creek
  • up shit creek
  • up shit creek (without a paddle)
  • up shit creek without a paddle
  • up shit's creek (without a paddle)
  • up the creek
  • What the devil?
  • when the shit hits the fan
  • You must have mistaken me for someone who gives a shit




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