One who cares for a young child or children. 保姆。 One who takes care of the sick or infirm. 护士。 One who or that which protects or fosters. 保护者;养育者;发祥地。 This college has been the nurse of many famous men. 这所大学培育出许多名人。 Worker that attends the young of social insects. 保姆虫(保护幼虫的工蜂、工蚁等)。 Nursing or being nursed. 看护;受照顾。 put (a child) (out) to nurse 将(孩子)寄养。 To suckle or feed (an infant) at the breast. 哺乳。 The mother cat refused to nurse her kittens. 母猫拒绝哺乳小猫。 To care for or wait upon in sickness. 看护;护理。 His wife nursed him back to health. 他的妻子看顾他回复健康。 To promote growth or vigor in; develop. 使生长;发育。 To encourage, cherish, foster, as a grudge. 激起;蓄怀;养成(如怨恨)。 She is nursing her anger. 她心怀怨气 To take the breast: said of an infant. 吸奶(指婴孩而言)。 To care for the sick or infirm. 看护;照顾。 nurse a cold 待在家里保持温暖以使伤风痊愈。 |