A period of time, or order of events, which repeats itself regularly. 周期;循环期。 A course, as of operations, that is completed and about to start over again. 循环。 A group of poems, plays, novels, or songs treating the same theme; a series of narratives dealing typically with the exploits of a lengendary hero. (诗、歌、剧本、小说等的)系列;全本;(传奇英雄的)全套故事。 The stories of the Knights of the Round Table make up the Arthurian cycle. 亚瑟王传奇是由一些圆桌武士的故事构成。 An age or long period. 时代;长时期。 A bicycle or tricycle. 脚踏车;三轮车。 One complete sequence of the periodically recurring values of an alternating current. 【电】周波。 To occur or recur, at regular intervals. 循环。 We plan to cycle in the park. 我们打算在公园里骑脚踏车。 |