laugh up (one's) sleeve
1. To try to hide that one is laughing at someone else. Ron may seem like a nice guy, but he laughs up his sleeve whenever he's around someone he dislikes. The popular kids laugh up their sleeves every time I walk by—it's so infuriating.
2. To rejoice or be amused secretly and/or contemptuously, as at another's mistakes or misfortunes. Though they are feigning sympathy, I'm sure my colleagues are all laughing up their sleeves at me for being chewed out by the boss. I know it is mean spirited, but I cannot help but laugh up my sleeve when I see someone slip on the icy streets.
laugh up your sleeve
be secretly or inwardly amused. The use of up in this expression is a relatively recent development; the phrase dates from the mid 16th century in the form laugh in your sleeve .
laugh up your ˈsleeve (at somebody/something)
(informal) be secretly amused by something: Only he knew the whole story about the money. He must have been laughing up his sleeve all along.