backward(s) about coming forward
be (not) backward in coming forward
be coming apart at the seams
come (a)round
come (in) over the transom
come a cropper
come a gutser
come a long way
come a poor second
come a poor third
come a purler
come aboard
come about
come across
come across as (someone or something)
come across like (someone or something)
come across with (something)
come alive
come along
come along for the ride
come apart
come apart at the seams
come around
come as a revelation
come as no surprise
come at (someone or something)
come at a price
come away
come away empty-handed
come back
come back (down) to earth
come back from the dead
come back to the fold
come by
come by (something) honestly
come by the worst
come cap in hand
come clean
come clean about (something)
come close
come down
come down hard
come down in buckets
come down in the world
come down like a ton of bricks
come down on (one) like a ton of bricks
come down the pike
come down to
come down to (some place)
come down to earth
come down to the line
come down to the wire
come down with (something)
come first
come forth
come forward
come from (someone or something)
come from behind
come from far and wide
come from left field
come from nowhere
come full circle
come home
come home by Weeping Cross
come home from (some place or something)
come home to (someone or something)
come home to roost
come in
come in all shapes and sizes
come in for (something)
come in from the cold
come in handy
come in on the ground floor
come in out of the rain
come in useful
come in(to) contact
come in(to) heat
come in(to) line
come into
come into (one's) own
come into (some) money
come into being
come into bloom
come into conflict
come into effect
come into existence
come into fashion
come into focus
come into operation
come into play
come into power
come into prominence
come into question
come into season
come into service
come into sight
come into the world
come into use
come it strong
come knocking at (one's) door
come knocking at the door
come knocking on (one's) door
come knocking on the door
come naturally
come off
come off second best
come off the fence
come off worse
come off worst
come on
come on (too) strong
come on as (something)
come on like gangbusters
come on stream
come on the scene
come on top of (something)
come online
come out
come out (a certain way) on (something)
come out ahead
come out at
come out badly
come out fighting
come out in (something)
come out in the open with (something)
come out in the wash
come out in(to) the open
come out of (something)
come out of a/the clear blue sky
come out of left field
come out of one's shell
come out of the box
come out of the closet
come out of the woodwork
come out on top
come out smelling like a rose
come out smelling of roses
come out swinging
come out the little end of the horn
come out to be
come out well
come out with (something)
come over
come running
come short
come short of (something)
come the (something)
come the old soldier
come the raw prawn
come thick and fast
come through
come through (something) with flying colors
come to
come to (one's) assistance
come to (someone's) rescue
come to a bad end
come to a boil
come to a close
come to a dead end
come to a full stop
come to a halt
come to a head
come to a pretty pass
come to a standstill
come to a sticky end
come to a stop
come to a/the conclusion
come to an impasse
come to an untimely end
come to attention
come to blows
come to fruition
come to grief
come to harm
come to heel
come to life
come to light
come to mind
come to much
come to no good
come to nothing
come to pass
come to rest
come to such a pass
come to terms
come to the boil
come to the fore
come to the job with (something)
come to the point
come to the table
come together
come true
come under fire
come under the hammer
come unglued
come unstuck
come up
come up a storm
come up against (something)
come up against a brick wall
come up dry
come up for (something)
come up for air
come up from behind
come up heads
come up in the world
come up smelling like a rose
come up smelling of roses
come up smiling
come up through the ranks
come up to (one's) expectations
come up to standards
come up trumps
come up with (something)
come up with the goods
come up with the rations
come with receipts
come with the territory
come within (something)
come within a whisker of (something)
come within an ace of (something)
come within an inch of (something)
come within earshot
come within range
coming and going, have someone
Coming events cast their shadows before
coming or going, not know if one is
coming out of (one's) ears
coming out of ears
coming out of one’s ears
coming out of one's ears
Coming through
coming up a cloud
comings and goings
everything is coming up roses
everything's coming up roses
get what's coming (to one)
get what's coming to one
give (one) what's coming (to one)
had it coming
have (someone) coming and going
have (something) coming
have (something) coming out of (one's) ears
have (something) coming to (one)
have another guess coming
have another guess coming, to
have another thing coming
have another think coming
have coming
have it coming
have it coming to you
have it/that coming
have something coming out of your ears
have steam coming out of (one's) ears
have steam coming out of your ears
Hen-ree! Henry Aldrich! Coming, Mother!
Henry! Henry Aldrich! Coming, Mother!
If I knew you were coming, I'd have baked a cake
knew it was coming
know where one is coming from
know where someone is coming from
not know if (one) is coming or going
not know if you are coming or going
not know whether (one) is coming or going
not know whether one is coming or going
not know whether one is coming or going and not know if one is ...
not know whether you are coming or going
not know whether you're coming or going
see (one) coming
see (something) coming
see it coming
see somebody coming
see someone coming
see something coming
the comings and goings
the curtain comes down on (something)
the wheels come off
They must have seen you coming
up and coming
what (one) has coming
what is the world coming to?
What’s coming off?
What's coming off?
what's coming to one
What's the world coming to?
where (one) is coming from
where one is coming from
where somebody is coming from
where someone is coming from
winter is coming
You’ve got another think coming
you've got another thing coming
you've got another think coming
whats what
what's what
what's when it's at home
What's when it's at home?
What's with?
what's with
what's with her
what's with him
what's with sb/sth?
what's with somebody?
What's with someone?
What's with someone or something?
what's with something?
what's with that
what's with them
what's with you?
What's wrong?
What's your age?
what's your beef
what's your damage?
what's your game?
what's your game
what's your pleasure
What's your pleasure?
What's your poison?
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更新时间:2025/3/14 13:27:00