A usual course of action; a frequent repetition of the same act. 习惯;惯例。 I make it a custom to do so. 我习惯这么做。 Established or recognized usage. 风俗;习俗 It is the custom to exchange gifts at Christmas. 圣诞节时互赠礼物是一种习俗。 Regular patronage; business support. 【商】爱顾;(客户之)惠顾。 Habitual patrons; customers. 老主顾、顾客(集合名词)。 draw custom to one's store 吸引顾客光顾自己的店。 Duties on imported or, less frequently, exported goods. [~s] 进口关税(有时亦作出口税)。 Department of government that collects duties. [~s] 海关。 Doing only work that is ordered. 专做订货的。 a custom tailor 专做订制衣服之裁缝。 fashion, practice, habit. |